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Yoongi's POV

Hoseok has been mad at me for almost a week now. I don't even know why. I think it's because I haven't been able to hangout with him lately, but it's not my fault. More people have been signing up for piano lessons and it's my job to teach them.

I walk in the house that we both have been living in for a few years and smile when I see Hoseok in the kitchen looking for something to eat. Good thing I had passed by a café.

"Hoseok, I bought you your favorite cupcake!" I yell as I walk towards him. He only turns around and stares at me with a blank face.

I was quite surprised that he could be mad at me for this long. I had already given him a lot of hugs, bought him food, and even tried to cuddle with him, which would usually work, but this time he never accepted anything.

He would never hug me back and pushed me away when I tried to cuddle, which was unbelievable, but at least he ate my food.

We're best friends so we always have stupid fights, but was he really mad at me just because of that?

I don't really know what to do and I'm starting to get a bit worried. I really miss talking and laughing with him.

I watch as he grabs the cupcake, takes a bite, and sits down on the couch still with a blank expression.

I let out a sigh of frustration and sit down next to him. "I'm sorry I haven't been able to be here with you, but I have a job that takes up my whole day. I'm here now so why aren't you talking to me?." Hoseok just kept staring at the cartoons playing on the television trying to ignore me.

"Hello? Hoseok-ah!" I yell waving a hand in front of the youngers face to get his attention, but he didn't even blink.

Is he really trying to play this game? I have done almost everything. There was only one possible way to get him to talk now. I didn't want to do it, but he left me no choice.

"Hoseokie, you leave me no other choice but to..." I saw Hoseok's head turn so fast he probably got whiplash.

I took that as an opportunity to tackle him on the couch and proceed with my plan. I lean in closer so that our noses are touching and smirk at what is coming next. This will get him to say something.

I start tickling him under his arms. I watch as he tries to hold in his laughter, but not even seconds later did he start bursting out with laughter.

He was squirming under me trying to push away my hands, but there was no escaping the genius Min Yoongi.

I kept going tickling his stomach until he had tears from laughing so hard.

"S-Stop." I heard him say out of breath.

"No, only if you say that you love me."

"F-Fine I love you," he said in between giggles. I finally stop and look at him.

Hoseok was panting causing his chest to go up and down. His cheeks were a light shade of pink from all the laughing. His hair was a mess and his lips just looked so perfect.

Neither of us broke eye contact and never did I want to kiss him so bad. I started noticing these feelings and thoughts I got whenever I was around Hoseok. I knew what those feelings meant.

Without realizing I had gotten closer to his face. I couldn't help wanting to feel his pink lips on mine.

Not even thinking about what might be the outcome of this I connect our lips. I feel like I have a zoo in my stomach while I'm kissing him softly.

I feel Hoseok hesitate, but he ends up kissing back which makes me smile into the kiss. His lips taste sweet probably because of the cupcake.

I pull back anxious to see his reaction and what I see makes me chuckle. Hoseok in shock touching his lips which formed a wide smile.

"Hey!" I yell which causes him to flinch and blush. We sit there in silence. A comfortable silence. Both of us lost in our own world and trying to process what the kiss meant.

I look back at Hoseok to find him already staring at me. I smile and give him a quick short kiss both of us blushing in the process.

Hoseok finally spoke up and asks, "So what does this mean?"

I only roll my eyes at him. "What do you think? I like you, Hoseok." His smile only got wider if that were even possible.

"I-I like you too, Yoongi." I smile widely. I've been dreaming of this moment for quite some time. I am so ready to do more with the man in front of me.

"I know this is a bit sudden, but a-are you willing to be my b-boyfriend?" I mentally slapped myself for stuttering.

"What do you think?" I laugh as Hoseok was mocking me. "Of course I will be your boyfriend." He caught me off guard and before I knew it I was under Hoseok, who had a goofy grin on his face.

I start to giggle as Hoseok kisses me all over my face. Everything feels right.

He kisses me on lips passionately and I smile kissing back. I grab the nape of his neck and pull him in closer deepening the kiss.

The kiss starts to get heated as we both move our lips in sync. I let out a quiet moan as he bites my lower lip. He took that opportunity to slide in his tongue which surprised me. We both fought for dominance, but eventually I gave in and let him explore my cavern.

After a while, we both pulled away panting trying to catch our breaths.

"Want to go out on a date?"


This was rushed and not well written. Whoops sorry.

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