Ch. 1 - Greetings

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September winds gushed past the new students at Marian University as they walked across campus with their belongings. The new freshmen at the college were saying goodbye to their parents, friends, and lovers. Chatter was found at every corner of the landscape; laughter and tears were the most common things heard.

Edd walked past the tears and laughs, trying to hold as much stuff as his small toned arms would allow. His best friend Ed was holding more than twice the amount he had. Carefully, they moved past parents holding their kids, people walking, running, skipping, and so forth, taking a small break as they reached the entry doors. A sigh of relief left the 5 foot 9 male as he walked in an almost vacant entry room. He and Ed walked to the side of the room where other students were found for check in.

They walked up to a woman with the letters "K-Z" written on a piece of paper that was taped on front of the desk. She looked up at the teenagers with a smile. "Hi, welcome to Marian University! Just give me your name and I will give you a key to your room." Edd nodded, a smile on his face from her chipper attitude. "Eddward Vincent." She flipped through the list until she reached the third page from the bottom. "Okay Mr. Vincent, you will have a shared dorm, and it will be in the East wing, next to the science department and sports fields." She handed him a key, he thanked her, and walked away, Ed following close behind.

Walking back out, where voices were loud and crying could be heard, Edd and Ed walked to where their destination should be. Luckily, it was close to the main building. Making their way inside, Edd looked around at the light grey walls. There was a staircase towards the back of the long room. Light wood doors lined the walls, each one had a number plaque next to it. Edd carefully looked at the tag that was connected to the silver key. Room 407. Sighing, he walked all the way to the back of the room until he reached the stairs, relieved to see elevators. The both of them climbed on, trying not to knock boxes out of each other's arms in the process. The door closed and Edd pressed the button to the fourth floor.

"Are you excited, Double D?" Ed asked him. "I am indeed," Edd nodded. "You will not forget me or the others right Double D?" Ed looked at his friend in concern. Edd looked up to meet brown eyes. "Of course not, Ed, I would never dream of forgetting you. You can contact me whenever you feel like it!"

Ding! The elevator door slid open. The two teens walked down the hall until Edd spotted room 407. He slipped the key in the door and unlocked it. Pushing the door open, he saw an empty room. His mate had not arrived yet. Walking in, they both put down the heavy boxes and suitcases. Three of the four walls were painted royal blue, and the wall that faced the door was a gold color. Edd thought the idea of the school colors being painted on the walls was a bit tacky, but he couldn't complain. He was glad to see the school accepted his request of just having one roommate instead of three.

He looked at Ed and smiled at his childhood friend. "Thank you for helping me with my belongings, Ed" The tall teen smiled back as his eyes filled with tears, "I will miss Double D" he moved in for a hug, and hoisted the skinny teen up. Edd was used to his friend's bone-crushing hugs, and hugged him back. "I won't be gone forever, Ed. You will see me on breaks, I'll come back to the cul-de-sac more often than you expect!" he choked out. Ed nodded as he sat his friend back on the ground. "I should be unpacking though, thank you again!" Ed sadly smiled as he looked at his best friend one last time. "I will call you when I get back home. Goodbye, Double D!" Edd waved, and before he knew it the door was closed, leaving him alone in his new living space. He turned back and stared at the twin sized beds. Choosing the one on the right, he began to unpack his belongings. 


Time passed, and Edd was almost done with unpacking. He had made his bed, using his galaxy sheets and constellation blanket. A few posters hung above his bed, one of Albert Einstein, "I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious", the periodic table, a monster poster that Ed had given him, and his high school diploma. He had all of his clothes  in the dresser at the end of his bed, pushed against the wall. Jim—his cactus—sat atop, along with few other belongings and textbooks. On his nightstand next to his bed was an old, framed picture of all of kids from the cul-de-sac, the last picture he has of him and his parents, that was taken when he was 17, a small black fan, and a dark blue lamp. He sat on his bed to take a small break, only having a few more boxes to go.

He pulled out his phone to see a text from Sara and Nazz, both wishing him good luck. His attention was dragged away from the phone, as the door to the shared dorm opened. Edd was excited to meet his roommate, the person he will be spending the next four years with. He had stayed up all the night before, wondering if he will rooming with someone who has the same interests as him, or if he will be stuck with some loud, obnoxious person who brings girls back to their dorm for a night of fun. His curiosities ceased as a built man with ginger hair stepped into the room. Edd sat in shock as he watched the other teenager walk in. His new roommate stepped inside the dorm, his hands full with boxes of sports awards. Edd froze on his bed, awkwardness filled the room as he gulped the fear that was rising in his throat back down. Cyan blue eyes met with forest green eyes. Edd's bully had followed him all the way to college.

"G-greetings, Kevin."



I'm sorry if this chapter was a little boring, but its just the beginning!! i haven't decided when updates will be because i do go to bed pretty early, and i do have two schools to attend to, so it will more than likely be weekends, but i'm not sure yet.

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