
27 2 0

June 2011

Jacob looks up from stirring his tea, feeling Wyatt's eyes on him. He blushes profusely under his intense stare, shying away from the boy. "Stop it," Jacob murmurs, covering his flustered face with his hands.

Chuckling, Wyatt gets up from the stool he was previously occupying. He starts walking toward Jacob. "Why should I, hm?" Wyatt is now standing right in front of him. "Does it make you uncomfortable?"

It has been a week since the incident and Jacob's dad hasn't come home since that day. Jacob and Wyatt exchanged numbers the morning after with Wyatt drilling into him the importance of checking in and how he is just a phone call away. Even so, he made it a point to come over every day since and hang out for a bit.

The mark on Jacob's cheek has long since faded. And, if you ask Wyatt, it's because he makes it a point to kiss it better every time they see each other. Jacob blushes at the memory of his healing kiss from earlier today which was really, really close to his lips.

Jacob is starting to think Wyatt is flirting with him. But, then as quick as the thought comes, it goes. There's no way. Nope. Not a chance. Cero.

"Yes". Jacob suddenly feels hot, feeling the need to step back. But, all it does is cause Wyatt to follow him. He unconsciously tugs the bottom of his sleeves down 'til they reach his fingertips. "I-I mean no".

"You seem nervous". Wyatt's eyes are mesmerizing. Deep, dark pools of blue that Jacob swears he could happily drown in. He is barely able to register when Wyatt wraps an arm around his waist. Wyatt's gaze flits down to his lips. "Tell me to stop and I will," he suddenly says in a slight whisper.

Jacob swallows hard, momentarily looking away. His mind starts racing. His palms are beginning to sweat and his heart is practically beating out of his chest. "Stop what?" Jacob wants to slap himself. What a stupid question. If he is reading the situation correctly — and he's pretty sure he is (which, wow. Wowowowowow.) — stopping is the last thing on his mind.

Wyatt seems to be barely managing to contain the smile that is threatening to form. He reaches down and slots Jacob's hands in his, caressing the back of it gently with his thumb. "You know what".

Looking down at their connected hands, a smile of his own makes its way on his face. "Yeah, I do". Wyatt follows his gaze, finally letting the smile loose at the sight of his baby blue nail polish. He just got them done that morning. "Keep going". Their eyes met again. "Please".

Wyatt leans in just enough for their lips to brush against one another. "Closer?" He asked teasingly, eyebrow quirked.

"Please," Jacob repeats, nodding rapidly. But, Wyatt doesn't move. And, from the mischievous look in his eye, he knows exactly what he is doing. A noise of frustration bubbles in the back of Jacob's throat. What part of keep going does Wyatt not understand?

"I—" Before Wyatt can even get the words out, Jacob takes it upon himself and leans the rest of the way in, connecting their lips into a kiss. His first kiss. Practically melting into the embrace, there is an almost simultaneous hum of content coming from both of them.

As the two boys get lost in each other, the abandoned cup of green tea grows cold on the countertop.

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