The new girl

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Reds pos

"Red time to get up sweetheart don't want to be late on your first day of school do you" mom said walking into my room waking me up making me cover the blanket over my head to block out the light. "Oh no you don't missy you are going today" she said before ripping the blanket from my head and onto the floor making me sigh and sit up before rubbing my eyes to look at her. "There's my little red" she said smiling before kissing my forehead before walking out leaving me to myself. Slowly walking into the bathroom I took my clothes off before jumping into the shower and washing my hair with chocolate scented shampoo and conditioner before grabbing my rose scented body wash and washed myself. Getting out I grabbed my towel and dried off before going into my room and to my closet to grab my black dress with lace on the sleeves, my white backpack, my bunny that I call snow and put her in my backpack.

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  Going back into the bathroom I put on mascara and eyeliner before putting my blue hair into beach curls and walked downstairs to see my mom making breakfast

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  Going back into the bathroom I put on mascara and eyeliner before putting my blue hair into beach curls and walked downstairs to see my mom making breakfast. Ever since dad died three years ago from a drunk driver it's just been us. She's tried to take up both roles to make sure I'm taken care of and loved and I could ask for a better mom. "Here is your chocolate chip pancakes hun and you might want to hurry the bus will be here soon" she said before going over to my little brother and started to feed James his breakfast. Finishing up I kissed my mother goodbye before grabbing my pink, yellow, and green lunchbox and put it in my bag and walked to the front door to grab my back heels before walking out of the house while grabbing my headphones from my bag.

Getting to the bus stop I noticed one other girl there with puffy hair and glasses walking back and forth

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Getting to the bus stop I noticed one other girl there with puffy hair and glasses walking back and forth. Once she saw me she stared at me blankly before repeating to walk back and forth once more. As we waited I played with my panda phone case trying to fix the flower that was slowly falling off of it. Failing to do so I looked up to see the bus stopping right in front of us before getting on and walked to the back till I got to seat number 16. Looking out the window I listened to Melanie Martinez Doll house and zoned out of the real world wishing to be back home or at least at the park instead of here.

As many more kids began to come onto the bus I began to feel self conscious as people began to look at me strangely. As the long drive to the new school went I noticed we started to go into an area full of trees and nothing else making me wonder just where this school was. Getting closer to what looked like the school I realized how small it was compared to my old school and began to grab my bag so it was on my back. Coming to a complete stop the boy who sat across from me waited for me to go which I gave him a light smile for before walking off the bus and into the school where everyone was in groups with their friends and laughing. Walking around I noticed people outside and decide to sit on one of the benches outside and color wanting to calm my nerves of the school.

Sitting down I grabbed my notebook and began to draw whatever was in my little head and smiled in content as it began to look the way I wanted it to. As I was about to grab my colored pencils I heard some kind of bell going off before everyone began to go inside making me grab my things and look down at my schedule to try to find my class before I pumped into someone making me gasp and about to fall before I felt hands on my hips keeping me up. Looking up I saw a guy that looked my age staring down at me making me blush. "You ok" he asked making me nod as I put  a string of hair behind my ear. "Are you looking for your classroom" he asked making me nod once more before handing him my schedule before he nodded and moved his head to signal me to fall him. "I'm Chase you are?" he asked making me write down my name before showing him.

"I'm Riley but my family calls me red" I said making him nod looking at me strangely before I wrote down "I'm mute" making his eyes widen slightly before nodding as we stopped in front of a classroom with a teacher in front of it. "Hey coach this is Riley she's the new student in your class" he said making the teacher nod before having him go to class and looked at me. "Hi Riley I'm coach Johnson you can go find an empty seat" he said making me nod and smile before finding in empty seat in the front middle by a girl and sat down hearing whispers. As the bell rang the teacher walked to his desk before doing attendance and waited for something to happen. "Please rise for the pledge" I heard over the announcement making me stand up and did what I was told before waiting in the moment of silence. Sitting back down he waited for the announcements to be over before beginning to teach.

                                            Skipping to third period

As I began to try to find my Spanish class I once again pumped into someone making me sigh as this would be the second time today. Looking up I see no one there and got up before brushing my backside off and continued to my class till I finally found it. "You must be Riley I'm Mr.Sanchez you can go sit on that empty desk near Drake" he said pointing to a guy with a black beanie on his head who had one ear phone in while talking to his friends. Going over to him I sat down my things on the ground before sitting down making him look over at me for a second then back to his friends. "Alright everyone this is Riley our new student would you mind telling something about yourself" he asked making my eyes widen before writing in my notebook "Hi I'm Riley I came from California my mom got a new job here and I'm mute" before showing it to the class making some of them confused.

"What's mute" someone asked before the teacher explained it was when someone who can't speak or something happened to make them not want to speak making everyone nod before he started class. As he taught what I already knew I began to color in what I made earlier this morning before I felt someones eyes on me making me look up to see the guy next to me looking at it before at me making me quickly look away. "You got some skill" he said making me blush and write down a "thank you" on my notebook before he went back to the teacher. As he began to pass sheets out I looked over it and quickly got through it before getting up and handed it to him making him surprised as it was only five minutes since he handed it out to us. "Did you do this at your old school" he asked making me nod and smile before going back to sit at my desk and began to color in my last drawing that had ddlg and my little things since no one was really paying attention to me.

"Would you mind helping me with this" I heard making me quickly close my drawing book and look to see the guy Drake looking at me. Nodding my head I wrote down some notes that helped me before handing it to him and within five minutes he was finished and thanked me. Looking around me I noticed everyone was packing up making me grab my things and wait by the wall with my ear buds in before walking out once the bell rang leaving my drawing book behind.

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