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Red's pov

It's been a while since I've seen the light of day and Im really not sure how long I've been down here each time time they come down here its all the same thing, bread, water, and an apple that I'm now starting to get tired of. When the "Boss" I found out who was the first one who brought me food and shoved that pill down my throat which turned out to be a form of a tracking device. "Get up training starts now" I heard before I was grabbed by the back of my head and dragged me up before going into the bathroom and threw me into the shower. As the water was turned on he began to undress me before he washed my body leaving scratch marks and most likely future bruises all the while violating me. Turning off the water he threw me onto the floor and threw a towel and a black floor length dress with a cut on the leg at me.

"Put makeup on and that dress and meet me by the door and don't take long he doesn't like waiting" he said before leaving the bathroom while I sat there crying before slowly getting up as I was still in a lot of pain and got the dress on before putting on the minimal makeup hiding the bruises. Finishing up I slowly walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom where the man from earlier was standing and did a look over before grabbing my wrist and pulled me down the stairs where loud noises of many people talking and was about to turn the corner till I was stopped harshly by the man that was walking me down and handed a golden mask that had music notes and a rose in a black outline. Putting it on he had done the same before finishing down the stairs and into a room full of people before someone came from the crowed in the same mask as me but silver and grabbed my hand in his. Looking up into his eyes I knew it was the man who had brought me here and watched as he bent down to my ear before whispering "play along and if not you will regret it but I am definitely going to love what I do to you so its up to you how this plays out after tonight" he said before standing straight up smirking looking at everyone putting on a blank face. "Thank you all for coming my fiancé and I will be happy to meet you all and get to know each of you tonight but as for now enjoy the evening" he said before music started to play and everyone began to talk and laugh together once more.

"Let's go" he said putting his hand on my back and quickly pushed me into a closet and locked the door so no one would come in and slammed me against the wall with me hitched up on his hip and his lips attached to my neck. "Look at you, sexy as ever" he said biting and sucking at my neck as I held onto his shoulders to not fall but the way it would look to anyone else coming in it looked as though I was having the best time of my life. "Tell me, did your "daddy" ever treat you like a real woman" he said as he began to slide the dress up making me try to stop him. "P-please I'll do a-anything just don't make my first time like this please" I said making him sigh looking into my eyes like he didn't believe me before he took my underwear without me realizing it. "Fine but these" he said holding the lace underwear he gave me "are mine" he said before putting them in back the back of his pocketing dragged his hand up my thigh making my breathing hitch inside my lungs before he smirked and dropped me catching me before I could fall and looked down at me and kissed me roughly biting my lip and dragged his hands onto my butt and squeezed .

"As for that little side its going to be gone and replaced with something more my style got it"he said staring down at me making me gasp and shake my head scared but with the look on his face I knew he wasn't going to let me compromise and looked down not wanting to look at him anymore. "Now lets go" he said wrapping his arm around my waist and out the door around the corner where everyone was talking and dancing. As time past I had stayed at his side through the entire night watching and listening as he talked to people before the party was over and the last couple was leaving. Standing by the stairs I looked up to see him already looking at me before walking over to me and picked me up so my legs were wrapped around his waist and his hand under my butt carrying me up the stairs making me know what was next and and shook my head. "I was good I didn't say or do anything" I said panicking making him hit my butt looking at me dead in the eyes. "Don't talk" was all he said before laying me on the bed and began to take his shirt off unbuttoning it slowly keeping his mask on before sliding his shirt off and threw it behind him.

Climbing on top of me he grabbed my hands and used my fingers to undo the mask that was tied and set it above my head before he began to kiss up my thigh to my neck trailing his hands around my body before ripping the dress from my body shredding it in half before staring down at me hungrily. "You're mine to-" he was stopped by a knock on the door making him growl but stayed hovered over me as he yelled "WHAT!" making the the guy behind the door come in as he looked over at them glaring while I hid myself with my hands. "Someone has dropped by for a visit" he said making him frown "tell them to come back later I'm busy at work" he said making me hurt inside, I mean just because I don't like him at all doesn't mean he should be a butthead to me especially taking my first time from me.  "Its your mother" he said making him sigh and nod dismissing the guy. Looking back down at me he frowned not wanting to stop as I felt his excitement dwindle after hearing his mother being here.

"Looks like you got lucky" he said before ripping my bra off and grabbing my breast while kissing and biting me as well. "When I come back you better be naked on hands and knees and head down by the door" he said not leaving any room to argue before closing the door behind him. After some time I slowly began to fall asleep until I heard a far away door open making me jump up and walk over to the door not wanting to a take anything else off so I grabbed a pair of underwear from the drawer and went over to the door just as the door opened and bent down with my head down to the floor hearing his footsteps before he grabbed the back of my head making me look up. "Very good although I'm pretty sure I said everything off, now where did you get these" he said pointing at the underwear before using his pointer finger and pulled them away from me having them snap back making me whimper from the pain. Looking at me and sighing he picked me up over his shoulder and carried me to the door to what I thought was a closet but as he threw me onto a table and handcuffed me to it along with my feet I knew I was in a world of pain and waited for it.

"You're going to count and thank me saying "thank you sir" and if you don't we're starting over" he said making me whimper and nod scared knowing I should have listened. "We're going to fifteen make it easy for you" he said before I felt a hand slap my back side making me whimper out "one thank you sir" and after fourteen more I was panting and in pain feeling when he pulled the underwear off of me but felt when he stuck my finger inside of me having me cry out as he moved around laughing in my ear "you say no but your body says yes you loved your punishment which means we're going to have to change it for next time what do you say" he said going deeper inside and added another finger stretching me out. "N-no this was v-very good sir thank you" I said in pain before I felt myself being unbuckled and arms around me to keep me up. Throwing me over his shoulder he walked back into the room and to the bed throwing me down and left to the bathroom. As time past I thought about being with Drake and how much I missed his arms being around me, but I knew he was never going to look for me again.

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