Chapter 4 ~ Greed

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After you'd gotten Uchiha-san in your bed you went and slept on the couch. You woke up the next morning cold having found that you ouldn't find Sasuke.

"Sasuke. Sasuke? Here kitty kitty kitty." You called before heading into your room as you froze funding Uchiha-san looking up annoyed at you with... ears on his head.

".. Uh.. Huh. I must still be sleeping." You called as you walked out of your room closing the door as you sat on the couch.

"I'm asleep. I'm still asleep. That or I'm hallucinating. Right? That has to be it." You called allowed as Sasuke walked out of your room sitting on the chair or across from the couch. Ears gone.

"Um... Sorry I. Ah right I was looking for Sasuke." You called standing up as Uchiha-san grabbed your wrist.

"We need to talk. Cause you're going to get us both killed if this continues." Uchiha-san called as you sat down on the couch still confused.

"You know the cat you picked up a couple days ago right." Uchiha-san called. You knodded.

"And you named him Sasuke and gave him a ribbon." You knodded again remaining silent.

"And then when you tried to leave leaving Sasuke home you felt sick and your collapse after school." You waited a moment before knodding again.

"You noticing how yesterday you felt better when I say close to You." You knodded again as you tried to remain calm.

"I'm your Cat Sasuke. Well I'm not really a cat obviously." He called waiting for you to show some sign that you were srill paying attention and Understood where he was going with this.

".... So... What are you then?" You asked still in a bit of shook not comprehending all of this.

"I'm a demon. You've heard of the seven deadly sins right. Well they're real and their all demons. And you have greed on a leash. You would have been luckier to have found anyone else but me." He called smirking.

You stood up walking to your window as you opened it as you started lifting your leg over.

"Oi. What the he'll are you doing?!" Sasuke yelled grabbing a hold you you.

"Well I apparently think there's a demon in my house who's both my cat and a class mate at school. Excuse me one moment." You called as you picked up your phone.

"911 what your emergency?"

"Yea is there some metal health number I can call. Apparently I think I see demons ." You calles before sasukw took thw phone.

"So I accidently scared my friend sorry for the call." He called hanging up.

"What is the matter with you?" Sasuke asked as you just stared back.

"Obiously a lot. I think there's a demon in my house. Who says they're also my cat as well as telling me head part of the seven deadly sins. I think I have to right to think I'm delusional." You called as Sasuke sighed pinching the bridge of his nose before you saw a puff of smoke and Sasuke was sitting on th ground in cat form before he turned back.

"Do you believe me yet?" Sasuke asked as a thousand questions ran through your mind.

"Why were you in the alley where i found you?" You asked startling him.

"I tell you I'm a demon and that's your first question... Alright. My brothers were trying to kill me because they think I've been getting to involved with the.mortal world." You called as you took in a breath.

"What's the deal with this... contract u have with you?" You asked as Sasuke sat down.

"I don't know. I've never heard of this happening I mean to leader demons yes. Usually and mostly it's vampires that's normally why they're called servamps." Sasuke called.

"Ser... vamps? I thought you were a demon not a vampire.?" You called getting confused as you soon wondered how this was being carried out like a normal conversation.

"I am... that s why I'm confused. What are You? No normal mortal could forge such a strong contract without knowledge espically with one of the seven sins." Sasuke called pinning you back up against the wall.

"Ho- how should I know? I didn't even know demons exestied until now. Let alone you could make contracts. ... What happens now?" You asked as you pushed yourself from the wall feeling to close to Sasuke for comfort.

"We have to find a way to breack the contract. Because the longer its in tact the harder it will be to break.... Plus having me as your servant could cause problem. You'll have people hunting you to get to me. If we're apart the connection could kill us and just being near me might kill you." Sasuke called as you gave a confused look.

"What do you mean being with you could kill me?" You asked as Sasuke started unbuttoning his shirt to show some black looking scar on his shoulder.

"We demons release a deadly miasma. With lesser demons it shouldn't do any harm but ours are so potent that it's been known to kill. I don't know it you having a contract with me prevents that but wither way we have to break this contract as soon as we can."

"... Okay. So what do we do?"

Ser...vamp?  ~Sasuke X Reader~Where stories live. Discover now