Stort fan fiction #Rermione

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Ron and Hermione waved goodbye as her kids (Rose and Hugo) were going for a sleepover with James, Albus and Lily (Ginny and Harry's kids), "Goodbye, stay with your uncle and aunt,OK?" Hermione shouted but they didn't hear. The wind blew strongly and the rain poured down. Hermione and Ron shut the door and hid from the terrible weather in the warm house. "Ugh! Look at it, typical British weather!" Complained Ron, he closed the curtains and turned on the tv to full volume. "I have to go out in that?" Hermione said, "Shopping, food shopping." She got some bags and headed out with an umbrella. Ron looked in the fridge, their was barley any food. "Ugh!" He complained, he wondered why his wife didn't ask for him to drive her. He got out an newspaper and saw the front page 'Muggle family killed!" He turned the page to see 'Quidditch game cancelled!' he put the newspaper away and decided to read a book as nothing good was on the tv. Ron never really liked books but he was so bored he got one of Hermione's out and stated turning the page 'Dark Magic And How To Avoid It' this didn't interest him either! Suddenly the door opened to see Hermione, soaked. "I didn't get a lot, I wanted to get home!" She said, trying to dry off. She headed upstairs to dry off a little more. Ron looked at his phone, Harry had text him "Free tonight mate, you and Hermione do what you like, I'm trying to keep five kids happy, wish me luck." This made Ron giggle and he replied "yeah, I could while you babysit." Hermione came downstairs, with nothing on, not even a bra. She squished her boobs together and said "come hear boy!" Ron took off his clothes, knowing this would be fun! They jumped on the sofa, knowing it would need washing after. Leaving red marks on her neck, he kissed Hermione's neck moving up to her lips. Her mouth covered his, she closed her eyes and whispered "Load me." Several sex positions later, Ron stroked Hermione's face and said "I'm so glad I married you." His lips and hers collided, they kissed all night. "Get me pregnant daddy!" She begged, Ron not hesitating at all. He kissed her sweet spot, causing her to make a loud noise which Ron laughed at. The sofa creaked. Banging could be heard on the wall "Shut Up!" Shouted the muggles next door. Hermione blushed "You look so cute you know." Ron kissed Hermione again. She stroked his face and said "Love is in the air, isn't it?" The doorbell rang. Hermione and Ron quickly got some clothes on and answered it to find the muggles next door "What were you doing, fucking? Shut up ok, sex or not!" Hermione shut the door and Ron got undressed. Hermione also took her clothes off and they rushed upstairs to fuck again...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2018 ⏰

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[After Hogwarts] Rermione (Ron+Hermione) when the kids are gone Where stories live. Discover now