chapter one •the storm arrives

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I run into the new town from the old one. I never know where I'm going, I just know which direction to run in. At the moment there is a wave on each of my fingers on my left hand, indicating that I am at full energy.

Hi, my name's Harriet, sixteen and I am a human hurricane.

I run past a sign which reads 'Welcome To Totafu. Enjoy Your Stay.' So this is where I'm going to be staying for a while, huh? I think to myself, still sprinting. I'm not even out of breath - it's the waves (not the ones on my fingers, they just tell me how energised I am. I mean the actual waves - the sea.) I slept on the beach last night.

I keep sprinting, I know that soon the waves will leave me and I'll slow down. But until then, I will keep going, laughing as I look behind me and see the chaos on my tail.

I soon find the school I will be going to. 'Pine Hill Secondary School'. I don't stop, however, it's the weekend so no one will be there, other than the boy who walks out as the building comes into view. I notice his light brown hair and tanned skin, he is very attractive and he looks my age. But I can't get close to him, I'll just push him away like everyone I've gotten close to. Hell, I even pushed my family away. Right when I reached five years old and finally got waves on all of my left fingers. I remember I was so proud to have gotten all five waves that I didn't realise that I had built up that much energy and had started running, running away from home, from my family, whom I would never see again.

But I turn my head back to see the chaos behind me then turn back and focus on running. Past that boy, past the school, until Monday, that is, and towards the sea, my best and only friend.


It only took me about 7 minutes to run to the sea. I'm a lot faster then the average sixteen year old, especially when I'm scale five.

I ran straight into the sea in my clothes and all. I dive under the waves and swim out. When I'm sure I'm past the lifeguards' boundary by quite a bit, I resurface and breathe in the salty air. I feel alive, fully alive.

I look around and see the fish swimming past, both small and large. A shark swims towards my feet and I laugh to it, the beautiful creature and point my toe out to it for it to smell, which it does, and then watch it as it swims deeper and deeper.

After about an hour of watching sea life I get hungry so start to swim back to shore.

I tie my ridiculously long, ridiculously blonde hair up in a knot on top of my head without a hair band and feel the salty water drip down my cheeks. My clothes are soaking and my water shoes are squelching but I wring them out as much as possible as I walk towards the heart of Totafu. By the time I find some food my clothes will probably be dry due to the sun.


I manage to get a sandwich that I gulf down within a few minutes, so I get a packet of crisps as well as a bottle of water.

I look at my left hand and see that the wave on my pointer finger disappears. Scale three. That's good for finding somewhere to stay.

I walk around Totafu, searching for a place to sleep tonight and manage to wander towards the sea again. Always calling me. I was with you only a few hours ago. I remind it. The tide pulls out towards the horizon a few metres. No, don't. I'll stay. Just don't make me back to scale five, please. The sea comes back up the beach again, not loads but enough. I sit on the sand and watch.


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I am really excited about this story because it is a romance which is my favourite genre of book

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Until next time •M xxx

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