The proposal 💍 [short]

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They were still at hogwarts, their last year. News had spread to Snape that Harry loved Ginny, though teenage love was a thing, Snape disapproved, especially of Harry with Ginny. It was potions class, but Snape didn't do his usual lesson. "Today we are learning on love" he said showing a love potion. Everyone looked shocked at the potion for some reason Harry didn't know. Snape smashed the love potion "Love means nothing! Loves stupid, some people get with the wrong people, like your mother and father Mr Potter, they were wrong! You don't deserve Ginny, you deserve no one!" He barked. Severes Snape loved Lilly potter but then she had kids with James potter, he had issues when it came to love. "How dare you say that about my parents, I can love who I want by the way!" Shouted  Harry. "Harry James Potter, I refuse!" Snape shouted, temped to do the killing curse, but if it didn't kill baby Harry, why should it kill Harry now? "How dare you-" "We all know why you haven't dropped out of Hogwarts yet, because of Ginny!" Snape interrupted Harry. Tears rolling down Harry's face, he stormed out the room, Ginny wasn't in potions, thank god she was ill. "Professor when was you the love God?" Sarcastically asked Hermione, who was furious. "Miss Granger how dare you interrupt my lesson, are you the only one who thinks they will work out?" Asked Snape with determination in his eyes, "I do!" Said Ron, Neville and Luna. In the hallway, Harry sat on a bench crying, his head in his hands. Harry's parents and godfather's ghost  stood in front of him, no one could see them, but Harry if he lifted up his head. "Poor chap," Sirius whispered to James (Harry's dad)," godson twisted the the game of love!" "Sh!" Whispered lily (Harry's mum) and then the ghosts disappeared. Back in the classroom their was a lot of shouting. "Let me see Harry! Professor your no help!" Shouted Ron, that moment Snape realised when he saw Harry's mum dead, he wished he said to Lily that he loved her, he didn't want Harry to miss out, he realised how he was wrong, "No no Mr Weasley, we need none of that, I realised my mistakes, I will fix them." Said Snape, feeling sad because he was thinking of Harry's mum. "Hermione I want to be alone!" Sobbed Harry, "Mr Potter I think I have to make an apology, don't I?" Harry was shocked to hear his teachers voice. Suddeny, Harry lifted his head and wiped away the tears, "Professor I-" "No Harry, I should say sorry, I loved someone and missed out, do you really love her Harry?" "Yes, with all my heart!" "Well I shouldn't stop you, should I?" Harry smiled at the professor as he dismissed Harry from the lesson. Harry popped into Ginny's room to 'visit her'. "How kind of you to see me, don't get to close, I don't want you to get flu!" She said, "OK, don't worry, I think I passed it onto you," said Harry, he got down on one knee and pulled out a box, he opened a box to reveal a ring, "Ginny Molly Weasley, will you marry me?" "Yes Harry, of corse!" She said, so happy. He picked her up and they kissed...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2018 ⏰

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Harry propose to Ginny Where stories live. Discover now