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Stefano called me Kitty the first day we met, that was 5 years ago. He has been like a big brother, the big brother I never had .He has a beautiful daughter named Azalia and a wonderful wife named Aranza.

Yes I was 17 years old when I found this place.

I remember the first time walking thru these doors, I had just ran away from the orphanage I was sick and tired of that place I was 3 years old when I got there and at 17 I have had enough nobody wanted to adopt a useless teen so I decided it was time to leave. I only had a year left but I was sure that if I didn't leave soon, I would be leaving in a box........ dead.

I had just left that awful place, it was around 1 am and i knew they wouldn't miss me I was just dirt to them. I was cold and had nowhere to go I had to find a job and quick. 

It had been a week since I left the orphanage and I still had no luck in finding a job, nobody wanted to give a job to a skinny and dirty teenager and i was tired of sleeping on benches and under bridges asking for money to atleast get a piece of bread in my stomach.

It was 2am when i was walking and heard music. I turned a corner and found a medium size building with red neo letters it read EXOTICA , well that's a nice name.....I guess.

I decided to check it out and maybe be able to talk to the owner not my best idea but o well. All I had with me was a small bag with my belongings which consisted of a bit of clothes , a small picture of dad, mom and me at the park, and a beautiful silver necklace of a moon that dad had given me for my third  birthday right before the accident that changed everything......

The accident that had turned my life upside down....

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