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As papyrus kept walking with me following I saw something in the distance...It was a smaller skeleton wearing a blue scarf, blue gloves, and blue boots. He had on a grey shirt and black shorts on. He was running towards Papyrus. "Here comes my brother. Since you really look like a human you gotta hide. Here, behind that conveniently shaped plant" he said and pointed at a plant that was almost shaped exactly like me...How is that even possible? I shrugged it off and walked behind it as the smaller skeleton walked up to Papyrus.

Timeskip through the Skele-brothers talk because I'm lazyyyyyyyyyyyyyy XD

"Alright. He's gone. You can come out now" I heard papyrus say as I walked out from behind the plant. I was as cold as ever and I think I made it obvious to Papyrus. "You cold kiddo?" he said as I nodded. "Hey...I'll bring you to Snowdin...You can stay with me and my brother until you get used to the cold." he said. "O-Okay" I stuttered. "You know...My bro has been pretty down. Maybe you can cheer him up. I know your not human but he has been wanting to see something even remotely close to a human for a while. Maybe seeing you will lift hid spirits up a bit?" he said. "You know...I will but you don't look really worried to me though" I said. "That's because not a lot of stuff gets Under my skin" he said and I just couldn't help but laugh. "That sure did tickle my funny bone"  I said and papyrus started laughing. We laughed and laughed for what seemed like 5 minutes. "All jokes aside can you actually go talk to my bro?" Papyrus said still chuckling a bit. "Yeah...Sure. Where is he?" I asked and Papyrus lead me into Snowdin.

Timeskip brought to you by Indigo being adorable

I finally got to Snowdin with Papyrus. "Alright...He should be around here somewhere...I'm going to muffets." he said as I turned around. When I looked back he was gone. HOW?!? I just kept walking as Indigo was sleeping on my head. Froggit was so lazy...he is still sleeping in my bag. I saw the small skeleton and walked up to him. "Uh...H-Hi" I shyly said. Sans just stared at me as he dropped his stuff. His eyes had a starry look and he said "OH MY GOODNESS ITS A HUMAN!!! THE MAGNIFICENT SANS HAS FOUND A HUMAN!!!" he yelled so loudly it made me jump and lose balance. Indigo woke up when I fell and immediately got really shy and retreated to my backpack. I fell on my back in front of him and he just had the cutest smile on him. I wanted to aww so badly but I couldn't and all I did was squeal. "Oh no! Are you hurt human?" He said as he looked concerned. He put out his hand to help me up and I took it. "I-I'm fine..." I said. I took a bit of damage but I was fine. "Human you're really cold! You'll get a fever if you stay outside any longer! Follow me human. I'll bring you to my house!" he said as he grabbed my hand and almost drags me. I blushed a shade of hot pink as he lead me to his house. I could see a noticeable tint of blue spread across his cheeks.

Its cold (Us!Konji x Us!Sans)Where stories live. Discover now