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Sorry for taking so long to continue posting chapters to all of my projects. I'm working on some other stuff while I work on my current ones. I like to have quite a few chapters ready before I start posting. So look out for my other works as well.xx



I wake up suddenly after a goodnights sleep. I marked her, she marked me yet she is nowhere in my room. I rub my head knowing that this was going to happen. I know her so damn well. My Queen, my Luna, my Alpha and equal putting the needs of her pack and family before her own. I need to teach this girl some balance.

'Find your Luna' I link to Aiden.

'She's at her pack house, she says she needs time, my mate is a part of her pack and so I asked where your mate was' Aiden replies

'I will come for you when you run my love, not straight away but when I do you will know it and you will feel it' I decide to link directly to her. I know she received my message. I can feel our bond tighten and release with frustration. She is fighting me, not so much our bond, just the thought of me as an Alpha.

Did I give her any thought as to the position she holds in her pack? No I didn't. Maybe I should think of something while I have this time away from her. I know I will need to think of it soon, because soon my little mate will go into her heat and she will be purring for me


Why did I do that? Why did I just block him out after his words? Playing with an Alpha, males like the chase of their mate. Alphas? I would know I am one. Me... I'm a fucking coward. Putting the needs of my pack for so long has made me put my own aside. Though right now I have to protect the pack.

Last night my pack house was attacked. My little brother and his friends were hurt pretty badly so I had to leave my mate. My family are hurt which makes me hurt even more.

"It's not your fault sis, they slipped through a part of the boarders that weren't protected the strongest" My little bro says as he eats his food. My dad was at war with himself as he watches his bruised up son "Looks like you found your mate though" My dad winks making me roll my eyes and blush

"Where is he?" My brother asks

"With his pack" I say moving to sit next to the bed my little brother lays in "We'll get these guys before anyone else gets hurt"

"Which pack is he from?" I turn to see my father looking at me waiting for an answer. I sigh looking between the two of them

"He's a Hound"


Parker pushed at the bond every chance he got, then when I expect him to push he doesn't and my heart yearns for it.

Beta Aiden still comes back and forth in my office and the territory to be with his mate Chelsea, the bakery owner. He has been relaying things back to me about Parker. He is surprisingly doing well, I wish I could say the same for me.

I can't sleep, not because of my mate not being beside me but the fact that rogues are stealing and hurting my pack members.

Something stirs me from my sleep in the middle of the night. I get out of bed and walk towards the bedroom doors that lead out into a secluded part of the backyard. Crouching down onto the porch, I sink into the shadows and wait sensing something move about in the forest.

I change into my midnight black wolf, creeping in the shadows as I search. My gaze searching for anything.

"Alpha" I hear a whisper in the winds. Perking my ears up in that direction I bolt in that direction it is coming from "Help"

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