2. Irritating Nandu ✔️

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Raghav: Nandini what happend???

Nandu: sir wo

Manik: shit Nandini

Raghav: Manik what did u do???

Manik: Sir i didn't do anything

Nandu: Sir i screamed because of that lizard....m scared of it

Raghav: oohh okay fine

Nandu smiled at Manik and pulled his notebook

Manik: Don't dare to check my note

Cabir: Oo god what she is checking in Manik's note???

Abhi: Don't worry bro there won't be anything interesting for u

Arya: Yes u both are boring and straight forward

Abhi: Yes we are happy with our boring life....

Druv: They won't change yaar

Arya: God knows babe....a girl can change any monster

Cabir: Arya are u thinking the same wot am thinking??

Arya: How will i know??

Druv: Guys look at Manan

Abhi: u mean Manik and Nandini

Druv: yes

Nandu: Wow Manik did u drawn all this pictures??

Nandu: Wow Manik did u drawn all this pictures??

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(This are some pictures drawn by my best friend during our class time

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(This are some pictures drawn by my best friend during our class time. He he yaar btech classes are boring and it was our work during lechures)

Manik: Yes

Nandu: Great plz draw mine too na

Manik: No i don't draw girls pic

Nandu: Manik u have to otherwise i will scream again....

Manik: u are hell irritating

Nandu: Yes i love to irritate u....now don't waste your time draw my pic

Nandu started posing

Manik looked at her...he got lost in her beauty

Manik pov: God she is so cute and looking good....i don't feel like scolding her...how can some one be so innocent??? Nandini is a chatter box who only knows to do bhug bhug

Raghav: Manik!!!!!!!!!! Why are u looking at Nandini??? Oo god this boys won't even leave any single girl

Nandu and all started laughing

Manik: Sir i didn't mean that

Before Raghav could say anything bell rang

Raghav: Okay cu tommorow

Nandu started laughing like a kid

Manik: Nandini u are too irritating....go to hell

Nandu: Seriously Manik??? Solly solly ...but whatever u said before doesn't matter me....m not going any where

Manik: oooh then i will leave

He left

Nandu: Manik plz draw my pic naaaa

Abhi: Nandini sorry for his rude behavior .....don't irritate him when he is not in good mood

Nandu: ohh what will he do??

Druv: Nandu Manik is a monster don't mess with him

Nandu smrinks

She talked with fab4... Abhi is not talking much but Nandu tried her maximum to open his mouth

Abhi: So Nandu

Nandu smiled

Nandu: Abhi finally u accepted me as a friend

Abhi: Yes mam u are impossible

All laughed

Manik is sitting down under a tree.....he was playing his guitar and singing a soft melody

Nandu: Lets go near him

Abhi: No Nandu he will shout on us.... Manik loves to sit alone when he is irritated

Nandu: Are u scared of him???

Abhi: No Nandu we lost our mother while we were in 2nd std .... i was momas boy so it affected me like hell...from that day he was my mom who took care of me

Nandu: Wow thats so cute...so monster have a calm nature

Abhi: Nandu he is too good from heart ....loves everyone

Nandu: Okay Abhi...i want to irritate Monster Kooli

Abhi: Ok ok go then

Nandu went near Manik but he was completely lost in his world

Nandu pov: Nandu u have to do something??? Think baby think

Nandu saw a dustbin

Nandu: yupee Manik today i will make u bath again.....yo nandu yo

she took the wastebin....there were some holi colors in that, leaves, dust also

Nandu went behind the tree and throw the the waste over manik

Manik got up with a jerk

His face was in red color

What will be Manik's reaction?

Did u like Nandini's irritating nature???

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