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Subject #7204
Emberly Oak


It was dark, and poor twelve year old Emberly couldn't see where she was stepping in the hallway. The power had gone out merely five minutes before, and she was trying to subtly make her way to her parents' room. Her mother, Annaleese was most likely asleep and Emberly highly doubted her father, Johnathan had stayed up.

Though she was focusing on getting to the end of the hallway, Emberly could still hear three small thuds while she snooped around. Why they were only minutes apart confused her along with spooking her a little. Despite her fear, she kept going.
The aged wooden floor boards creaked as she progressed towards the end of the hall. Her grip on the nearly white walls tightened when she heard one more distant thud before the door to her parents' room opened, and she was able to see a tall man standing in the doorway. He wore a black suit, dress pants and fancy shoes along with a mask that took up more than half of his face. The moon was shining bright behind him, giving his body and eerie glow.

"Shit." The person cursed and turned around. Before Emberly could say or do anything he had already vanished; out of the window, gone. Immediately, Ember went to run to the window. She was going to look for the man, but when she stepped forward, her foot landed in a warm slimy substance. When Emberly looked down, she screamed. Her vision was clouded with tears at the sight of blood covering the floor in giant puddles, surrounding her parents who lay still.

"M-Mother? Father?" She quietly asked. She wanted her parents to open their eyes and say 'It was just a joke, Emberly!' and then hug her.  

"No. No, no, no, get up! Get up! Please..." She begged while shaking her Father who she was now kneeling in front of. She put her head down on his blood covered chest and sobbed. She cried for the loss of her parents, she cried out of anger for that man, and she cried out of frustration because she couldn't do anything. 

Suddenly there was a loud crack of wood breaking, and a loud thud of something heavy falling and hitting the floor. Footsteps became louder and more clear as they reached the hallway, and soon the bedroom doorway. Men in military uniforms entered and hoisted Emberly off of her father by under her arms. She kicked and screamed for them to let her go.

"No, no, let me go I need to help my dad! He's gonna be f-fine, just let me be with h-him! Please!" She choked on her sobbed and flailed her legs in a failed attempt to get the men off of her. Though they said nothing, the way the moved held their emotions well. They held regret for the girl. She lost her mother and her father, because of their organization yes, but she's only a kid. She also wasn't ever going to see her brother ever again either, he's already at the facility.

"Stop! Let me-" Emberly kicked out her legs again, "Let me go!" 

When they continued to ignore her, Emberly began to stop struggling and instead went back to crying. She thought about how pathetic she seemed, how pathetic she was. She couldn't even detect when the man broke into her house and made it to her parents' bedroom, when he murdered them. Emberly realized when she was dragged into the back of a black van and tied up, she realized just how useless she really was.

---Twelve Years Later---

"Leave me be, Max." Emberly told the annoying redhead that stood to her left, clearly being a bother.

"Come on, we've been in this place for twelve years, and you still don't trust me?" Max asked innocently.

The boy truthfully had been in Blume's Bio-genetic Program, more commonly known as BBP by the 'inmates', for twelve years. Emberly having been there only four months before he came. The latter had been shocked when she mentioned that she had been forced to go, because he wasn't. He made the decision to go to the one place Emberly hated with a burning passion.

"Yes. Now, go play with your telekinesis or something." She said in an attempt to make him leave, but no, that was too easy. Instead, the boy decided to start poking Emberly as she walked back to her room which she called a cell. Yes, it was that bad.

"Would you give it up?!" She glowered and he immediately put his hand down and apologized with a smile and a laugh. Emberly started to laugh a little too, but stopped when the loud speaker turned on, the person was speaking quickly.

"All subjects out of their rooms must return there immediately. There has been a breach in the system and your safety is at risk." The man said before turning the microphone off. Emberly scoffed at the word safety. If they were that worried they'd just kill us all now, she thought.

Max went to speak, to say he was going back to his room when Emberly quickly covered his mouth and shushed him. She tugged him behind a corner and pointed towards a door. An open door. Things like this never happened, there are no windows and doors are always locked so that no one could escape.

"Max," Emberly said quietly, but excitedly.

"This is our chance. Run, jump, run. Don't look back." She said as she peered around the corner to see the bright blue sky, no clouds to be seen. The sun was setting just above the rooftop of the building, the rooftop they were going to run off of. It might have seemed stupid but Max could use his power to lift himself, and then Emberly, to the ground. Quickly, quietly, like they hadn't even left. They'd be free.

"Alright- No, yes, yes, okay let's do this. Go team Maxly!" He whisper shouted and Emberly gave him a strange look.

"Too much?" He queried.

"Way too much." 


Heeeeeeello! Heh, Wrench. Yea, I like Watchdogs. That's why this is here. (Its a great game btw.) I basically started this book for @_7R4C3R_so, here ya go friend xD


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2018 ⏰

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