TMR: Chapter 3

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Cora was on top of the world. She danced with Jonathan until the last song, laughing and talking and smiling through the rest of the evening. He introduced her to his brother, Barry, and to his parents. That little episode may have ended their relationship before it even started. Luckily, Cora was prepared for the interrogation. After all, the Pryor's weren't the first to make a big deal about her working for her father.

"Jonathan? Are you going to introduce us to your friend?" Jonathan's mother walked over to them with her husband in tow.

"Mother, this is Ms. Cora Price from the Williams and Price Law Firm. Cora, this is my mother, Dr. Virginia Pryor, and my father, Dr. Walter Pryor."

And the interrogation started.

"From Williams and Price? That's the firm that drew up the pre-nuptials, right dear?" His mother smiled warmly, but her eyes were calculating. "You are so young to be a partner, already."

She pasted her friendly smile to her lips. "Actually, I am only a junior partner. The Price is my father, James Price."

The male Dr. Pryor remained silent, directing apologetic frowns at her. Jonathan stood stiffly at her side. Well, she sighed, the Pryor men like their women strong-willed. Not a problem.

"How wonderful is that? To work with family every day?" Virginia's voice dripped with insinuation. Cora knew she was thinking: her father gave her a job.  

She kept her smile in place, "I'll admit that James Price is one of the best attorney's in the city, and it is a privilege to work with him, but let me tell you, if I disappoint him in the courtroom, I'm still hearing about it over Sunday dinner." Cora gave a small laugh. Everyone else laughed as well.

Cora continued now that she was ahead in the conversation. "So, Dr. Pryor and Dr. Pryor? I'll bet that gets confusing sometimes. Which hospitals do the two of you work at?"

Walter Pryor's lips twitched. Cora liked him immediately. But it was Virginia that answered in a low voice, "We both reside at Children's."

Cora's smile deepened. "Really?" She turned towards Jonathan, "Isn't your brother, Barry, a doctor there, too?"

Jonathan's face was pained, holding back a very humored grin. "Yes, that is correct."

"Well, it is a pleasure to meet you Ms. Price," his mother said, ushering her husband away. The other Dr. Pryor broke away for a second to grasp Cora's hand. "A pleasure, indeed," he said to her warmly.

"That went well," Jonathan muttered. Cora had no idea what he was thinking. She had practically insulted his family with a barely-concealed back-at-you, and she started counting the minutes until he wished her an emphatic good-night.

It never came. For the rest of the night, Jonathan was polite and charming, never mentioning his parents again, and Cora relaxed. Eventually, he began to joke with her and some of the things that came out of his mouth mildly shocked her. He had a pleasantly dirty mind, and she liked that. It would make it easier to explain some of her more interesting talents.

Once, she asked him what he liked to do for fun. He pressed his hand against the flat of her back and bent her into a smooth dip, saying, "That depends."

"On what?" He raised her up, twirling her around the dance floor.

"On the person I'm with, the time of day, and if food is involved."

"Oh? What kind of food?"

"What do you prefer, Cora? Any particular favorite?"

"Well, Italian is always good, and I like chocolate in every form," she told him. His green eyes glinted, "Noodles are always good. And of course, chocolate. Yes, some interesting possibilities there."

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