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Zain - i think i am in love with you Aditi.
Aditi - you think?
Zain - no, i don't think, i am sure i am in love with you.
Aditi was quite for a moment before she finally said;
Aditi - look Zain, it's not like I am saying no or anything, but we are friends and i wouldn't want anything to destroy the friendship that we have now.
Zain - what are you trying to say now?
She took a Deep breath before saying, while carefully choosing her words seeing how Zain's expression has changed. She said;
Aditi - what i AM trying to say is i wouldn't want to try something that i AM Not sure of, i want you to take some time and think really hard if a relationship with me is what you really want.
I like you Zain, i like you a lot but when i enter a relationship with you i want to be completely sure and invested in it.


Hello guys, so here i AM on my way back to School and this idea just came into my head. Someone yesterday told me to try and do things that will make me forget the things happening around me and i thought to write a story. So here it is.
Please tell me how you found it and if i should continue it or Not.
Fair warning: i already have 2 unfinished stories, so if i AM to continue with this, it will be a slow update story.
Vote and comment. Tell me what you feel and think guys.
Love love❤❤

Adiza - The Heart Is A Mess (slow UPDATES, EDITING.) Where stories live. Discover now