Chapter 16: Child

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Sans POV

A child?! Frisk wants another sibling from me and Torie?! I heard Frisk say something about monsters mixing powers to make a child. I felt anxious for having a kid, I bet that Torie might have the same idea as me. Frisk must be serious about this, they want me and Torie to move on to the next level. I'm not ready to move on to the next level.

"Sans, how do you feel about having a...child?" Welp, the kid made her say it to me. I have to an answer, I'm not sure how I feel right now.

"I...uhh..." I felt like if I was getting sick from my stomach, "Uhh...Frisk, you have a very creative mind but..."

"But what?" Great, now I have to explain to them. I have no idea what I just said meant. I can see Paps, I can't even tell if he's going to laugh or something else. Gotta find a way outta this.

"I uhh...have to clean my room...bye!" What a relief, I ran upstairs to my room and locked it. I felt sick now, all of this thinking is making me sick. I felt like if I wanted to vomit, damn it...I should've not ate those muffins. I heard a knock on the door, "'s me, Torie. Mind if have a talk real quick?" I got off of my bed and walked to the door, I felt very dizzy while I was walking. I opened the door and Torie walked in. We both sat on my bed in silence until I spoke.

"Torie...does Frisk really want a child?" I took a quick glance at her, she seemed very nervous about this.

"Well...Frisk is serious about this. I suppose we-"

I cut her off, "But we found out that we both loved each other last night. Can't this wait a little later?"

"I suppose you are correct..." She doesn't want to have a child. What a relief, this child thing can wait.

"Let's just forget that this talk happened." I didn't want to remember that this conversation happened.

"Agreed." Torie gave me a hug and I hugged her back.

Frisk's POV

I was being serious about having another sibling. I didn't want to be the only child at my house, I'm hoping that they'd agree to have a child.


"Sure! I've got to ask Alphys a question anyways."

"Fine. Mom! Papyrus and I are going to Undyne and Alphys' house!" Mom tells me to behave and be safe. Papyrus and I went out of the house and started walking to their house. Alphys and Undyne's house isn't that far, we were there in like 5 minutes. Papyrus knocked on the door, they didn't answer since they were watching Anime on full blast. He knocked on the door again but this time, he banged on the door; making it sound like if someone shot a gun. I guess they were scared, Undyne opened the door with a spear in her hand.

"Oh. It's just you Paps" I noticed that she wasn't yelling as she normally does. "You can come in but be quiet, Asgore is sleeping." Asgore? Why was he in their house? Papyrus walks in and I followed behind him. I saw Asgore sleeping, he seemed sad. Maybe he still loves mom. I saw Alphys in her mini lab, I don't know what she is working on. I went to her lab and saw her watching Anime

"Hey Alphys. Can I ask you something?"

"S-Sure. Give m-me a minuet." I saw her clean up her area, seems messy as always. She turned off her computer, put the dish that she was using to eat noodles away. Finally she was done, "O-Okay, I'm d-done."

"I've got two things to ask. The first thing is why is Asgore in your house?"

"He came crying to us, we weren't expecting him coming. He told us that he saw you and Toriel walking to the skeletons house. He's got a feeling that Toriel might be 'cheating' on him. I tried explaining to him that she doesn't love him anymore but he just cried, he basically cried himself to sleep."

I am amazed, Alphys never stuttered! Also, Asgore is such a big baby, mom doesn't love him so why does he keep on trying to get with mom? He needs to stop trying.

"My second question is, can monsters mix their powers to make children?"

Alphys never questioned about it. "Why certainly! They hand me their powers and I put it in this machine. The machine is like the main parent, and I'm like the sister of this machine. Once the child is done, I call the parents so that they can pick up their child. I love the parents reaction when the see their kid. It makes me want to have one..." She stopped when she said that, "Umm...F-Forget I said t-that. Now then, why are you asking me this question?"

Great, I thought she wasn't going to ask. "Well Sans and mom love each other and-"

Someone cut me off, "Someone loves Toriel?! And she loves them back?! It better not be that stupid lazy skeleton."

I slightly nod. "You meant Sans?"

"There you go. 'Sans' is going have to pay for stealing my wife."

"A-Asgore! S-Stop! T-Toriel doesn't love you anymore, she has already loves someone better that you."

"All the monsters in the world she could've picked one, but she decides to pick this lazy skeleton." Asgore has an evil look on his face. Wait, does he wat to kill Sans just to take mom even though she'll just reject him again?

"Asgore, please don't kill my dad." I tried convincing him, he thinks I'm one of the most stupidest kid in the world.

He laughed, "Aren't you stupid already? That lazy ass skeleton doesn't deserve to be your 'dad.' He should burn in hell already."

Is Asgore swearing on me? Sans happens to be the closest dad to have. I don't really care if he's lazy, as long as if he's there for me. Asgore was holding a spear like thingy, but has 3 sharps instead of one. Then he ran out the door. I called mom very fast.

"Hello my ch-"

"Mom! Sans is in so much trouble with Asgore! Keep him safe with you!" I hung up on her, she didn't even talk to me. I've got to tell Papyrus about this. I ran downstairs and he was cooking with Undyne. "Papyrus! Asgore wants to kill Sans for taking mom!"

"OH NO...COME ON FRISK! WE'VE GOT TO SAVE HIM!" Papyrus picked me up and started running home.

Please don't kill Sans...I'm begging you...

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