Another Tiring Day

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Min Yoongi

Here we go again, another day without sleep, another fucking tiring day...

I made my way through the crowd carefully so that I won't fall, ARMYs are going wild... We just came back from Japan after our concert there, I admit it was kinda fun, but it was also so tiring that all I could think about now is to lie down and sleep... TRY to sleep..

"Hyung, do you have some candies there?" Hoseok asked me as soon as we sat down the car

"I'm not sure, why?"

"I think I have low blood sugar, I feel so dizzy" he did look pale and exhausted, but i think it was just jet lag, no way in hell would Hoseok get low blood sugar, he's a man of energy, but still I searched for any kind of sugar in my bag and found a lollipop

"Here" I gave it to him and he happily ate it

"Yoongi" Jin-hyung called me, I answered with a hum
"You should get some rest, you did not sleep last night right?" I looked at him and nodded, I placed my phone inside my bag to make sure that the earphone won't get unplugged and also I would have something to cuddle, I also made myself comfortable on my seat and closed my eyes. I felt the exhaustion drifting me to dream land, but that did not last long...

As soon as I drifted to sleep, memories of the past flooded my mind in the form of nightmares.

I saw my young self running away from home to pursue my dream

I saw myself cutting my wrist when my parents abandoned me..

It was all my fault...

Taehyung and Jimin who were beside were startled when I jolted up, waking up from my slumber

"Hyung, you okay?" Tae asked wide eyed with Jimin gripping the younger's shirt from being startled

I nodded and muttered a yeah

I didn't try to sleep again after that..


"Yoongi-hyung" Jungkook approached me with a pout


"I don't want to perform, I'm so tired!" I scoffed at his attitude

"Dumbass, do you want to disappoint ARMYs?" I said and ruffled his hair lightly, he shook his head and went to Jimin and Tae

We just came back from a concert and now we are here at JYP's Party People to be a guest, of course that includes performing, although I never got a blink of sleep last night, my body is still ready for any kind of  performance, I got used to it all by now...


We were enjoying Suzy-sunbaenim's singing when I felt the need to go the bathroom

"Yah, Namjoon-ah" he looked at me and asked "yes hyung?"

I pointed the way to the exit " I'll just go to the bathroom" he nodded

"Take your time, we have a long wait before we perform" I then gave him a thumbs up

After I peed, I went to the sink to wash my hand and I heard someone singing from one of the cubicles

His voice was soothing that I found myself sitting near the sink.

I closed my eyes to hear his voice more clearly but I felt my body going light, I let a small sigh and drifted off to sleep...

Kim Jinhwan

I walked out of the cubicle only to find the famous Suga sleeping soundly near the sink, although it confused me, I still made my way to the sink to wash my hands before tapping his right shoulder

"Suga-sunbaenim" I whispered close to his ear

"Hmm?" He slowly opened his eyes and met mine

I smiled at him

"You shouldn't sleep here, the tiles are cold and dirty" he only stared at me and blinked thrice

"Your voice..." He trailed off

"Yeah? What about it?" Okay I'm getting more confused, what about my voice?

"It's beautiful" he smiled slightly and I helped him get up almost awkwardly

"Uh, thanks?" I muttered, he must've heard me singing earlier

"No, I should be the one thanking you" he looked somewhat... Relieved?

"Huh? Why?"I asked confused

"I finally got to sleep after all these years and it's all thanks to your soothing voice" he smiled at me and he suddenly hugged me tightly...

-to be continued-

A/N: hey! This is my first fanfiction and I thought about making a fanfiction about these short and snow white wonderful beings that I really love! I'm not really used to making long chapters so bare with me 😂

Sleeplessness (YoongHwan/SugJay) m.yg x k.jhWhere stories live. Discover now