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Daniel Gillies is Hotter than Nate

Pawel the Mommy
You people are great friends. #FuckYouAll

Mother, why such an attitude?

Daddy Gilliez
I still love you, babe😍

Pawel the Mommy
I love you too, baby.

I'm disgusted.

They're your parents, but it is disgusting.

True. It's vial really.

Daddy Gilliez
Stop hating on our relationship, haters!

No one is hating on you two!

Don't lie to them, Candice.


Mermaid Bestie💜
Daul is everything, guys! #daul


Hybrid Ass
Leave my phone alone for 5 minutes, and I get this.

Oh, don't be a buzzkill JoMo😝

Hybrid Ass
I'm not the buzzkill, love, you are.😝

The feels.

Daddy Gilliez

Mermaid Bestie💜
I feel them too, Pheobe!

Umm, I'm confused?!

Hybrid Ass
What feels?

Daddy Gilliez
I feel a ship.

Me too.

Mike the Wolfy🐺
Oh no. Here it goes. Everyone take cover.

Michael, where the hell did
you come from???

Mike the Wolfy🐺
Been stalking the chat 😜

Stalker ALERT! We need an adult!

Oh, Matt! Come out, come out,
wherever you are!

The History Teacher💯
Not helping.

Daddy Gilliez
#noseph or #jatalia???

Mermaid Bestie💜


Pawel the Mommy
I don't approve.

Mike the Wolfy🐺
Should have taken my advice. I tried to warn you crazy people.

Hybrid Ass

Sorry for questioning
your skills, darling.

But why, guys?

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