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Libby Peterson played by Aja Naomi King.

Enjoy! :)

Continuing down the hallway with the cleaning supplies in-tow, (Y/n) hummed softly under her breath. She was excited to begin volunteering at the facility; it seemed to be a very interesting place and who knows, she might make friends with her patients!

Oh, how wrong she was.

Coming to the end of the hall, (Y/n) turned left just as she had been instructed by Bridget, she spotted a counter with the words "Prescription Medication" at the top of it.

(Y/n) walked up to said counter and rang the service bell.

Hearing a "thunk", (Y/n) glanced worriedly behind the counter to where she could see multiple parallel rows facing vertically towards her.

Appearing almost out of nowhere was a darker skinned girl with long black hair and chocolate-colored eyes. Rubbing her head, she smiled at (Y/n), who stood behind the counter, staring awkwardly. Noticing the girl was now looking at her as well, (Y/n) returned her smile.

"Are you okay? I could've sworn I heard something bang up against something else..." Questioned the (e/c)ed girl.

"Oh, I just hit my head on one of the shelves. It's fine, it happens to me all the time. What can I do for you?" The girl, who (Y/n) assumed was the pharmacist, brushed it of, throwing her hands in front of her to showcase that no harm was done.

"Ah, well, if you're alright, then-"

(Y/n) was interrupted by the same girl, who slapped her head against her forehead. "I'm so sorry, I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Dr. Peterson, but you can call me Libby. And your name is?"

(Y/n) swallowed back the first statement she was going to make and instead replied with, "My name is (Y/n) (L/n). Pleased to meet you."


"Nice to meet you too! I'm guessing you're one of the new volunteers?"

(Y/n) nodded, trying to keep up with how fast Libby spoke.

"Yes, that's correct," she responded.

"Huh," Libby seemed to be confused, as she continued with, "I thought all the volunteers were supposed to arrive a lot earlier than this..."

"Um, okay, I'd like to have the prescription for my patients, please!" Wanting to avoid the conversation about her tardiness, (Y/n) quickly attempted to change the subject.

"Yeesh, coming right up," Libby widened her eyes at the girl before her and traveled back behind the endless rows of medicine and drugs. "What are your patient's room numbers?" Libby moved to a computer system as to better look up and locate the results.

(Y/n) fumbled with her cleaning supplies as she searched for the papers Bridget gave her.

"Um, it says here patients 00350-00356," (Y/n) looked up to see Libby typing away on her computer.

Nodding, Libby traveled to one of the aisles and started pulling pill bottles off the shelves. Walking back to the front of the counter, she pulling a plastic tray from under it and began distributing the pills into miniature cups. After she was finished, Libby took a sharpie from her white lab coat pocket that she was wearing and began labeling the cups.

"Each one of these have the patient's number on them. But listen, you really have to remember this, (Y/n): we let the patients pick out their rooms as to offer them some independence and comfort, got it?" Libby explained and watched as the fellow female before her nodded her head in understanding.

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