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what's up guys. if you've been following me a while then you've probably already read the original Discovering Love (don't ever be afraid to say it was piece of shit cause that's exactly what it is). i've been thinking about rewriting it for a while, i wrote it like three years ago and now it's the bane of my existence, but i never really had much time to think of a way to go about it.

but this is it. lately i've been having huge writers block and i'm hoping that revamping an old story will help me create more new stuff for you guys.

that being said, to anyone who's read the original story, this will be almost completely different. the main story line will be pretty much the same, but most of the major details will either be changed or excluded entirely. also there won't be a sequel, it will all happen in one book cause i want it to be longer (and i never really liked how it was told in two different books like that was extra asf)

i will keep the original published in case you guys like that one better for some fucking reason

that's all, idk what the update schedule will be like, it kind of depends on how much free time i have, but i hope old and new fans will enjoy it just the same :)

p.s. jace will be a completely different person lmao

Discovering Love // phan *rewrite*Where stories live. Discover now