Vala Mowi Imca Udaku

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excuse my mistakes

Hey I'm Vala Imca Udaku and I am the daughter of T'challa Udaku. I don't know my mother, not even her name. No one has told me about her and i couldn't find anything on the internet about her.

Anyway I was listening in on a meeting my father had in the throne room and they explained there arguments about me. " I don't believe she is ready" my father argued to another queen of a another tribe with red hair and black puffs at the bottom.

" You daughter showed miraculous results in her combat training and her moth-"

" Her mother would have wanted her to train at her best" my father cuts her off

" And this Is a place where she can train at her best. To be what her mother was or even better." My father eyed her carefully and then looked at the rest of the group. " If you truly thing she is ready turnin want to see it. I want her to fight against the Jabari, M'baku's strongest son. If she wins she can go. If she looses .... you know how it goes."

There was a long pause but the General aka my second aunt and aka Okoye. Then another nodded and then another and then the whole group agreed. " When shall the battle start" one asked. " Tomorrow" he said and the meeting was dismissed.

I crawled back into a hole that I had climbed out of and I jumped out of the wall and sealed it with a cinder block. O jumped back into my chair and picked up my pencil and started to write down some notes I held on my phone. Then I heard some foot stepped coming so I shut my phone off and put it in my back pocket and the door swung open.

" Vala?" I looked up to see my father looking at me weirdly like he was questioning me. " Are you alright" he asked and I nodded. " Yes I'm fine dad. What is it " I said and began writing again. He came close and sat next to me in a chair " How Are your studies going?" He asked " Alright I suppose" i said not even looking at him. " Well. The council want you to go to America and join me on a mission" my face fake lit up " But your going to have to prove it" he said and I looked at him. " how" I said and he takes in a deep breath " You have to fight one of the Jabari's strongest sons" I know I just heard him talk about it but it still hit my stomach.

" Tomorrow" I said and he furrowed his eye brows " How did you know that" he said. " W-well I guessed" I said and he clicks his tongue and gets up. " Well do well my dearest and get lots of sleep" he said and fluffed my hair and walked out.

I sighed as I put my head down and dropped my pencil.

At my room I was trying to take a nap but it wasn't going so well. I kept having a nightmare and soon I just didn't care, I was too tired to, so I just closed my eyes and let the darkness consume me.

Everything was normal in the country wakanda. Everyone doing there jobs, the kids are laughing and playing through the water. The people of wakdana are happy and laughing.

But this loud whistle disturbed the happy country. Everyone stopped what they were doing as the whistle grew louder and they looked up at the sky. There was this " thing" falling from the sky leaving a trail of smoke like they were on fire.

The children's eyes were covered by there mother's or father's as the thing hit the ground.

The guards pace through the castle to find there king and once they do they stop. " There has been a disturbance at the falls" one says speaking boldly like she was taught through out her training.

" What disturbance"

There was a girl, dressed in clothing that would have the world on a spin. It looked like she was a princess of some sort. Her  hair was black and down her back all the way to her feet, her skin was dark, her eyes were green and she was tall standing 5'8.

Her clothing was white but it was dirty and ripped, her face was bloody and her long beautiful arms were bruised. There were also black writing on her arms but on earth they would call them tattoos.

She quickly stood up and dusted herself off. She looked into the far distance and saw a kingdom. But she didn't want to go there, she needed to find out what happened becuase she doesn't know where she is.

When she takes her first step she hisses and looked down at her bare feet and saw her ankle was very much bruised. She collapsed on her knees as she took a hold on her ankle. She breathed heavy as she felt a tear fall down her face but she is not to give up.

She stood again and she fought through the pain and continued to walk noticing that she was on a water fall. She once again drops to her knees and cups the water in her hands and puts it on her ankle. In seconds the bruises went away and some of them on her arm.

She splashed it on her face and the cuts and bruises on her face cleared and she stood back up and she found a large stick and used it as a staff and she was walking to god knows where.

The King was now on high alert making sure everyone is who they say they are, asking for any information anyone has soon the guards were let out to find the ufo that landed on the falls. Yet they failed but they do have tracks that they tend to follow.

The injured alien was walking now on the bottom part of the falls and was walking towards the kingdom now she is hoping to find help from someone. She walked leaning on the stick trying to think about what happened before she fell but the last thing she saw was
She was at the beginning of the kingdom and the guards had pointed there weapons at her. She put her hands up without dropping the stick.

I looked closely at the woman and saw that we looked similar. I tried to speek but it wouldn't work.

I jolted awake and saw that it was night time. " Shoot" I said and I got out of bed and put on black pants, black shirt and tims on and walked out of my room and down to the dinner table. " Well, your late" T'challa said " sorry" I said and I sat down and ate.

" So Vala how are you dreams" My grandmother Ramonda asked " Scary" I said and she questioned and I replied with. " I keep seeing this woman, she fell out of the sky and...and...i can't remember but we looked simular" everything comes to a pause when aunt shuri drops her fork. " T'challa" she said in a serious tone. " You didn't tell her?" She asked.

" Tell me what?"

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