Chapter Eleven

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Richie did as he promised Eddie. His calls were daily around seven o'clock each night. Weeks passed with the same schedule. Richie would get up, go to school, go home to do his homework, waste time at the arcade or around town to get used to the layout, then get home around seven and get right on the phone.

Eddie would get up, go to school, do his homework with the others Losers then hang out with them, if allowed, until around 6:30. He'd then go home and wait by the phone for Richie to call.

Richie did send photographs in the mail to Eddie. Eddie saw the envelope with Richie's messy handwriting when he was getting the mail. He was quick but careful to open it. As he walked to the front door of his home, he flipped through the photos. The first photograph was of an arcade. It was bigger than the one in Derry and Richie was right, it was far more packed. 

The next few photographs were of the school and random spots around town. The school looked nicer than Derry's which made Eddie pretty jealous. There were a few photos of Richie's home and the rooms inside. Eddie's smile widened though as he found the photographs that Richie clearly took of himself. Even though Richie only moved a couple of months beforehand, Eddie could see clear changes in Richie's face and hair. His hair had grown and he looked even more gorgeous than Eddie remembered. He thought that was impossible. 

His smile stayed glued to his face as he stared at the photographs. He walked in through the front door and called out to let his mom know he was home. He handed her the mail that wasn't addressed to him. He then sat at the table and checked his watch. Almost Seven. 

More months passed. Richie's calls slowly faded from daily to every other day or so. Eddie tried to call him the days he didn't call but his parents would tell him Richie wasn't home or was busy. Eddie didn't complain though. He just talked to Richie when he could. Richie always made sure to tell him his reasoning for not calling. Eddie had to face the facts. Richie was making his new life at his new home. Richie's calls went from daily to every other day to 3-4 times a week. 3-4 times a week wasn't even guaranteed.

The losers noticed Eddie's attitude going downhill again over time but didn't know what to really say. Mike was the first to speak up one day when he walked Eddie home.

"Are you okay?" He looked at Eddie who was staring at the ground ahead of him. Eddie lifted his gaze to look at Mike's face and then dropped his gaze back to the ground.

"What? What do you mean?" Eddie mumbled.

"You're getting down again... Just when we thought you pulled yourself out of this mood" Mike gently rested his hand on Eddie's shoulder and watched as his face dropped.

"It's nothing" Eddie shrugged and ran his fingers through his soft hair.

"You can talk to me, Eddie. I know you're still missing Richie"

"He's calling less and less" Eddie looked at Mike and by his expression, knew that Mike was getting the same thing from Richie. "He's moving on from us"

"He would never" Mike squeezed Eddie's shoulder. "He's just busy"

"You don't know that" Eddie frowned.

"You and I both know that Richie loves us. He wouldn't just move on from the Losers Club and completely forget about us. Even if he has friends there, they won't replace us" they stopped walking once they reached Eddie's home. Eddie just nodded and gave Mike a quick hug.

"Thanks and thanks for walking me home. Be safe" Eddie barely got all of his words out before he reached the front door. Mike gave a nod and a wave before leaving toward his own home. 

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