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Here we go again =~=

#1) NO SMUT, we mean it. No smut.

#2) You may curse but please censor it, we don't care how you do it but just please do it. Also don't curse too much.

#3) Please do not be controlling of our characters because it's annoying and it's our characters. We control what they do if you don't control us we won't control you!

#4) No Mary Sues or Gary Sues only because those characters are considered "the perfect character". No character is perfect so please don't do that.

#5) Don't make you're character one of those people who are constantly getting hurt or injured or constantly in trouble because it's not really fun for us.

#6) Don't make the roleplay all about your character(s). Our characters deserve to be in the spotlight as much as your character(s) do.

#7) Talk in 3rd person and be descriptive (about 4-5 sentences). We understand that sometimes it's hard to type that much, it's hard for us as well but try your best so that we're able to work with something and give you a good response. Also don't do text talk unless they are actually texting.

#8) If your character involves self harm, is suicidal, has any type of eating disorder, or is depressed put a warning on your form. We'll do the same thing don't worry.

#9) If you want to take outside of the rule play then use ( ), // //, { }, or [ ].

#10) Have fun, that's why we created this!

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