Chapter 3

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"Where did you do? I thought you’d be here when I got back?" Amber questioned while I crawled onto my bed.

"Oh, Minhyuk took me somewhere. Sorry," I say with a frown while I toss blankets on top of me.

"Its fine,"

"We should get a some sleep.. we have class early in the morning" I reach for the lamp and switch it off." Jaljayo,"

"Nado." I hear her say from under her bed sheet.


I stuff my mouth with a huge strawberry while leaning against the lunch table. Fruit salad is a good thing to eat for breakfast right?

"Sera?" Amber says poking my side."Sera!"

"Huh?" I grab another fruit from my tray.

"Who are you staring at?" She looks in the same direction that I’m looking at.

We are sitting upstairs on the balcony, You can See everything.

"Oh look! I see googly eyes." She says pointing her spoon in Minhyuk’s direction. He’s off to the corner of the room with his friends.

"Shut up.." I pick up my water and pop of the cap and drink some of it. 

"Why don’t you go sit with him?"

I shake my head” No, I’ll let him sit with his friends. Since he doesn’t notice me, I won’t notice him.” I look at her and smile.

"Right." She smirks and sits the spoon inside her bowl. She reaches for my tray and takes a blueberry."Thanks."

"No problem." I laugh a little. I look back over at B-Bomb, Hes laughing. I sigh.

"Just go to him!"

"Say amber why don’t we get you a boyfriend."

"What." She responds quickly."No!"

"What? Your pretty, You should get one."

"Haha! Me?" She giggles."No." She says in a serious tone." I’m trying to focus on school right now."

I nod.” School freak huh?”

She shakes her head.”Not all the time.”

I stuff another fruit in my mouth.

"Everyone, Please report to you’re first class. You have 10 Minutes. Hurry or you will be late." The intercom speaks. I pick up my tray and put them in the to go tray I asked for while amber throws our trash away. We both grab our bags and start heading down the stairs.

"So, Tell about this teacher like you promised." I say looking over at her.

"Oh! Mr.Newmen! He’s a foreign teacher! He teaches us about American music and culture and stuff! He’s so cool! Last year, I heard He actually  got a Foreign celebrity to step foot in the classroom! Maybe He will do it this year for us!"

"Sounds cool." I say holding the door open while we head out into the hall way.

"I know right? I think you will like him very much. That class is a easy A." She points to a door not to far from us.’ There is is! Come on!" She grabs my hand and start yanking me toward the door. Once we get inside the classroom its very, How do I put this? Average.

She pulls me over to some seats in a corner.

"Where’s the teacher?"  I say looking around. There are more people pilling in.

"Teachers here don’t come into the class till last bell rings."

"Oh." I lean back in my chair and put my bag on the table."That’s different."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2014 ⏰

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