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(Based on the Tumblr post above. Credit to the owner.)

Group projects were the worst. It was the first assignment of freshman year and the professor thought it would be a good way for people to "get to know each other"

The assignment was to figure out a workable way for the entire group to survive a month in the jungle with no outside help. They had a broken bus, no water, no food and only the skills the group already had. Based on who she was grouped with Clarke was going to die.

Monty Green and Jasper Jordan were best friends and total stoners. Bellamy Blake was a stupid pretty boy and John Murphy was a useless ass. Raven Reyes seemed to have a handle on things though.

They met at the library that night. Bellamy was the first one to arrive. he was on the phone arguing with someone when Clarke got there. Probably a girlfriend. Raven showed up next her hair was still wet from the shower by the looks of it. Then, Monty and Jasper, the two seemed to be joined at the hip. Murphy showed up half an hour late with a black eye.

"What happened to you?" Clarke asks.

"None of your business," he responds rudely. Clarke sighs and goes over to Raven, she was working on a secure structure for a shelter. Monty was studying the plant life of the area their group was hypothetically stranded.

"Dude, you've got all the ingredients to make moonshine!" Jasper comments and Clarke rolls her eyes. Bellamy was still on the phone and Murphy was bouncing a ball against a wall. Clarke decided she needed to find a way to store and filter the water from a nearby river.

"Okay, prove to me you won't fall behind and I will consider it," Bellamy says to the person on the phone.

"Yeah, love you too O but I need to go. Tell Lincoln I said hi. Sorry, family drama," he says to the group.

"What's Octavia done now?" Raven asks. So they knew each other.

"She wants to take two weeks off school to visit Lincolns cousin Luna in Canada. It's a family reunion or something"

"They're getting pretty serious then?"

"It's been a year. I like Lincoln he's good for her. I would like him more if he wasn't twenty." Bellamy responds.

"Octavia's not ten years old anymore Bell. besides. Two weeks free of Octavia is always a good thing."

"Octavia's your sister?" Clarke finally asks. Curiosity getting the better of her.

"Yeah. You have any siblings?" he asks. "A, sister, Maddi. She's 11" she says. Might as well try and get to know them.

"Monty and I are brothers. Well not biologically, his family adopted me when I was four." Jasper joins in. "What about you Murphy?"

"You don't need to know that."

"Ignore Murphy. We've known each other four years and he still won't tell us his birthday." Raven responds.

"You don't need to know."

"He thinks the mystery makes him sexier it kinda does but it's still annoying."

"You know you want me, Reyes." Murphy tries to wink but his black eye ruined it. "Hey, Bell got any Snickers in there?" leaning over Bellamy grabs a chocolate bar out of a huge bag Clarke hadn't noticed.

"So did the three of you go to high school together?" Clarke asks, they seem to know each other really well.

"Yeah, Bell and I dated sophomore year for about a month." Raven answers.

"I still don't get why you feel the need to tell everyone that?"

"The world needs to know that this level of hotness once almost destroyed the world.". She responds.  "Nah I just like rubbing it in Finns face whenever I can. I do the same thing with Wick."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2018 ⏰

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