Let's go.

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Hello, this started off as a filler seried for my book Dragon Soul, but decided to make it a different book completely I hope you enjoy it! None on the pics I used are mine, nor the characters just the story.

You were part of the draconian clan, mighty half-breed blessed with the power of the dragons centuries ago. You were with your brothers and sisters celebrating the solstice, this day according to leyend it's the day when your ancestors recieved the sacred power.

They were plenty of dragon species, but none had the crimson scales, this according to the myths was the mightiest of all. Today you were going through the initiation, the day you got your dragon from. You were talking with your mother when the elders called for everyone to meet on the fire.

"As generations ago the dragon gods gave us this powers! Now, in the solstice we must teach the next generation the ways of fire and sulfur. Children of the sun come foward!"

You looked at the others, none of them older than fifthteen years old, including you.

You all stepped closer to the eternal flame. The sacred flame that has been burning since the first dragon appeared.

"My children, walk into the fire."

All of you looked confused at his request.

"Now don't be scared, the fire protects us, is a part of us and only now is when we must connect our souls to the eternal flame." He gestured to the ever glowing flames, the eternal flame as if it would have life on its own flickered towards you as an invitation.

"You my child" the elder pointed at you.

You looked at him

"The flames have chosen you to be the first, now go into the fire." 

You nodded and started to walk towards the flames, it seemed to have a will of its own. As soon as you were at arms lenght the fire engulfed your hand as if taking it to guide you. You didn't feel any pain...on the contrary, it felt like a heart beat, welcoming you to its embrace.

You walked the rest of the way in when the flames engulfed you. You felt a tinge in your heart, the flames in your soul wanting to connect to the eternal flame. Then you felt a rush of energy fuse with your own, you felt the warmth, you could hear your ancestors, singing, dancing..., the eternal flame had connected with your soul, the orange tint of the eternal flame was replaced with a crimson color. The clan was watching with amazement as the orange flame turned crimson. You slowly breathed in and out and with each breath the eternal flame grew wider.

You stayed like that for a couple of seconds till the eternal flame revealed your dragon.

Then the flame was gone

It was absorbed into your soul, no longer burning in the mountain. When it was over, you looked at your people, faces of confusion, happyness and anger were present in all their faces.

As soon as one started to speak, an arrow pierced his head, killing him instantly. Out of nowhere a rain of arrows fell upon your clan, some were killed in an instant, the others turned into dragons and instantly went to counter attack.

You saw the other kids being hit by the arrows, one managed to pierce your arm. Screams and blood followed. You were about to run to the other kids, to make sure they are alive, but a solider stepped infront of you, his sword dripping with blood, he swung his sword foward, you moved to the side, but he managed to make a deep scratch in your left eye. You dodged once more a swing to the right, you took the handle of his sword and gained control of the weapon, and quickly stabbed him on his torso, he fell to the ground, dead. More soliders went for you, enraged to see one of their own killed.

'Eternal Flame' Fantasy AU Todoroki Shoto x reader Where stories live. Discover now