No isn't in my vocabulary

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   Melisa's pov"
This has to be one of Lisa's pranks right, I mean who else would do that, and blonde? That obviously means Sarah" I kept saying over again to Ashley. "Yeah it is but we shouldn't mention it let's just go get Sarah and get to the first activity... let's just forget this okay Melisa?" "ok ok I will ash, let's get going". Ashley and I went to go get Sarah and started out to the red camp. I tried to forget that note, it probley is just Lisa trying to scare us.

   That got me thinking, where is Lisa anyway? My thoughts were interrupted by counciler Petersons booming voice. " Ok good afternoon kids welcome to camp Wekkie, we will be doing many activities and healthy games to get you guys exercised. Before that there are exactly 13 of you soo let's get to know each other" Ugh I hate these, we all got in a circle and shared the top three most important information about us.

   The first person was a skinny dude named Jeff, man did he have some hygiene issues his stench fillies the stalker circle. Sarah gagged slightly and Ashley was holding her breath. The next was a Gothic creepy purple haired girl named Lucy she had like five piercings and black makeup. She probley eats baby ducks or something. The next seven people were so boring I don't even feel like describing them, but this Nick kid was pretty cute. He had gorgeous blue eyes and purposely messed up brown hair he seemed like a total jock he even plays soccer. Too bad Ash already has a boyfriend.

     The last person was a nerdy black haired girl named Kathy she had two braids in ponytails and braces and these little purple glasses. She spoke in this high annoying voice and talked on and on about her hobbies. After her little life story counciler Peterson began to speak again with his booming voice " Okay now that we know each other we can go on to our activity's first we will go rock climbing then we will all go canoeing." A few people groaned and Lucy said " No I don't want to I wanna go home" counciler Peterson turned around and faced Lucy " Now Lucy calm down its just a little activity calm down" "No! I won't calm down these people deserve to know what goes around in here" Lucy really made a mistake to say that.

  " Lucy Shut up! uh I mean Lucy calm down, you must be confused now let's carry on with our day" counciler Peterson seemed raging mad, madder then that cat in the piano video where he is in a suit with strings attached to his arms and he is "playing" the piano. He stormed off and collected climbing gear and dragged Lucy by her arm to his office. " Wow that was..weird" Ashley said "yeah and what was that whole, they deserve to know what goes on around here type deal, it made Peterson real mad." Hannah added. " I have no idea and I don't care let's just get this rock climbing and canoeing thing over with.

   Counciler Peterson and Lucy came back around ten minutes later. Lucy was quiet and counciler Peterson looked determined and nervous, those two looks Never mix well. It even looked kinda scary ugh I gotta quit thinking everything is scary scary scary. "Okay kids let's get a move on before it gets dark"Counciler Peterson said. It took us about twenty minutes to climb up and down the small mountain. " Follow me kids here are the canoes please pick one partner or you can go by you're self there are thirteen people here so yeah" great way to end it counciler Peterson I thought. I picked Ashley and Sarah picked Nick, lucky!

  Ashley and I waded out into the water the canoe paddles cutting into the clear water like a professional ice skater onto ice. Lucy was all by herself and looked more nervous then ever. Ashley caught me staring at her and said " Maybe she is afraid of water and it doesn't help with the fact that its getting dark out".  " yeah you're probley right" I said. "Lucy spotted us and started to paddle toward us " Hey guys look remember earlier about this camp it Isnt safe here there is-" Lucy was cut off by counciler Peterson " Everybody start to peddle towards me and I'll tell you where to go"

   " Uhhh gotta go Lucy bye." I started to peddle towards counciler Peterson " What was that?" Ashley asked " I don't know let's just forget it" Everybody peddled towards the tall blue flag, everybody exept for counciler Peterson and Lucy. Suddenly we heard a loud scream "Help Help its not safe her someone-" then we heard nothing Counciler Peterson shouted "SOMEBODY CALL 911 NOW" Nobody had there phones, exept for Jeff who calmly called 911. Everybody else was freaking out and paddling towards shore which I did to. " Was that Lucy!?" Ashley asked freaking out. " I don't know" I replied. Counciler Peterson returned soaking wet with a pale face " Did somebody call paramedics?" " I did counciler Peterson" said Jeff proudly.

   " What happened?" we all asked. Counciler Peterson sighed " There was a large fish that tipped over Lucy's canoe, she couldn't swim and started drowning, I tried to save her but.... it .. was too.. late" Everything else was cut off by the loud blaring sirens of the ambluence truck. All of us were sent to our cabins "That just ruined my day" Sarah said with no emotion in her voice. " Sooo" Ashley barley whispered out. No one replied, we already knew the Answer. We sat in out bunk beds and just.. waited for something to happen. And something did happen about three hours later paramedics came and announced bad news. A lady with a tight blonde haired bun said " Lucy's body was not found we searched everywhere we did find other items-"

   I had enough of this I started back to the cabin along with Sarah and Ashley. " Wow can you believe that they didn't find her body, that just makes me feel a whole lot better about sleeping" Ashley said in a nonchalant tone. " We could sleep on the floor guys, nest to each other it will feel much safer? I guess" Sarah said. We started to put blankets on the floor and finished making our bed five minutes later and set down our small cabin pillows. We slept for about two hours until we heard soft taps on the door the got louder and louder until I couldn't stand it. I woke up Ashley and Sarah and walked to the door, it was storming outside and the lightning only made this situation creepier.

  I checked the window and saw... LUCY!? "LUCY!?" Sarah and Ashley basically shouted. I started to open the door and wet wind pelted my face. The door was about half open and Lucy shrieked and fell to the floor. The three of us screamed louder "Lucy!?" Her flashlight died when she fell to the ground so it was pitch black outside exept for the occasional lightning. I saw a shadow near Lucy's body and her body suddenly disappeared. I screamed again Sarah ran back under the covers and Ashley stayed behind me. A note fluttered to the ground and I picked it up wet with mud.

    Lucy needed to keep her mouth shut, who's next? Anyone say a word about this and you'll be next. There was an odd number of people anyway you'll never be seeing that purple headed freak anymore. Watch out, blondes next, carful who you're friends with.... " This so using funny anymore, this is no prank" I said white with fear. Ashley found another flashlight and pointed it to the note " We can give this to counciler Peterson! he will know what to do, let's go" The door slammed and Ashley fell to the ground Sarah screamed and I shouted back " Shut up Sarah screening clearly won't solve this".

   I put my hand on Ashley's forhead and another note. " She's only sleeping, remember I said NOT to tell next time it will be worse.... " Looks like Lucy was right it Isnt safe here" Sarah whispered and you hear a child's laughter in the distance and everything seemed to fade away.

   Something or Someone is going to pay for something they shouldn't have done, and some lives will be lost along the way.

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