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Summer 2012 

"I'm really not sure I want to do this," I whispered nervously. 

Harry put his hand on top of mine and squeezed it lightly. The car jolted and it only added to the anxiety building in my stomach. Somehow Teddy had talked us into taking a group hiking trip, and I was regretting my decision. 

Clark and his girlfriend, Avery, sat in the front; while Harry and I sat in the back. Teddy, Leah, and Terrence were taking another car and were going to meet us there. Harry kept leaning over the entire drive, whispering in my ear about how terrible a driver Clark was. 

"It is going to be fine, Petal." He said in a hushed voice. His messy chocolate curls held back by a red bandana, but some curls still managed to stick out madly around his ears. He nudges my shoulder gently as we are jolted around in the back of the car. 

I catch a glimpse of myself in the rearview mirror, and I look ghastly. The apples of my cheeks are blotchy and red, my eyes are wide and flitting all over the place like I am trying to escape this bouncing metal death trap, and I look so green that someone might believe that I was one of those aliens from Toy Story.  

"I just," I began to stutter. "I'm not too big on physical activity."

Harry's brows furrow together and a laugh escapes his lips. "Are you serious? We can take breaks--all the breaks you need. Clark might give you a little shit, but we can ignore him because he is a complete wanker." 

"Hey!" Clark calls from the front seat. "I don't know what you two knuckleheads are talking about, but if I hear my name--"

"Fuck off, mate." Harry laughs. "Mind your own business." 

"Keep my name out of your mouth, Styles," he taunts. "The only one that should be saying my name repeatedly is Avery--"

"No!" Avery yells over Clarks obnoxious voice. "Keep talking and I'll tell everyone in your frat that you have a small dick." 

Clark glares at her playfully, "A small dick that you love."

"Oh please, we all know that you suck your own--"

"Oh my God!" I cry, covering my ears with the palms of my hands. "I don't care to hear about your dick size, Clark! And I definitely don't want to know who is sucking what!" 

"Hear that, Aves," he laughs. "Size doesn't matter." 

"You're such an idiot," she laughs. She leans across the center console and kisses Clarks cheek, he turns his face at the last second and catches her lips with his. 

"Oi! Eyes on the road!" Harry shouts. "You're going to crash this car!" 

Clark leans back into the driver's seat and laughs loudly, Avery's cheeks bright red. "Harry just doesn't want to admit that he was enjoying the show." 

"Shove off," Harry chuckles. 

The car settles back in; Avery and Clark quietly talking amongst themselves, their voices drowned out by the radio. Harry relaxes in the seat next to me and leans against my shoulder. 

"Are you feeling a little better about this trip, now?" He asks quietly. 

"Harry Styles," I playfully gasp. "Did you pick a fight with Clark just to cheer me up?" 

A cheeky grin spreads across his face.  "I wouldn't say--"

I cried out as  a bump jolted the vehicle as our trek off-road continued. Clark mumbles a sorry, but the road continues to bump along and jostle the car. I grab at the door to balance myself and I can see Avery out the corner of my eye grabbing the "oh-shit-handle". 

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