Chapter 1

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This chapter has been edited, Changes have been made.
Also, be cautious of this writing, It is worded strangely so please do mind it. I also might repeat some stuff so please forgive me!

6 years ago

"Mommy! Mommy! Look at the people dancing on the ice, They're like ice angels!" A small girl tugged at her mother's sleeve as she watched the ice skaters perform.

"Yes, darling. I see them. Don't they look amazing, hun?" The woman smiled down at her daughter as she patted her head.

She nodded in response. "Mommy, I want to be just like them one day! I want to be a ice angel too, Mommy!"

Her mother picked up her daughter and kissed her on the forehead lightly.

"I'm sure you will, sweetie!" The small girl giggled. As a male skater with long and wavy silver glistening hair was coming off the ice, The small girl managed to worm out of her mother's arms and ran toward the skater. "Y/N?! Come back here!"

She ran towards the skater and stopped in front of him which caused him to look down at her in confusion. Her eyes were shining in amazement. "Hi there! I'm Y\N, What's your name!" She said confidently as she was proud of herself to speaking to a professional ice skater.

He chuckled at the cute sight. "Hello there, Y/N. My name is Viktor. What is it that you need?" The male spoke in a thick [t h i C C ] russian accent as he bent down to her height as he smiled brightly.

"I want to be a ice angel just like you one day! The way you skate is magic!" She squealed lightly as her smile covered most of her face. The Russian man chuckled and patted her head.

"Thank you. If you do wish to be a skater just like me, always believe that you are going to one day. Believing in yourself will always make your dreams come true." He'd place his warm finger on her cold, red nose, making her squint lightly and him chuckle. "Fulfill your dream and never give up, okay? You have to promise me."

She nodded repeatedly. "I promise I'll make my dreams come true!" "That's the spirit!" He chuckled as he slowly removed a blue flower crown from his head and placed it on her head. "This will give you good luck. Wear it all the time and great things will happen." Viktor smiled and Y/N nodded.

"Hey Viktor! The press wants to talk to you, C'mon!" A older man shouted towards Viktor. "I'm coming, Yakov!" Viktor responded back as he faced back towards Y\N.

"Remember our promise, Okay?" He pulled out his pink-y finger and held it towards Y\N. "I will always remember our promise!" She wrapped her small finger around his and then soon after a while, they let go. "Goodbye, Y\N. Don't forget about me!" He waved as he went to catch up to the older man from earlier.

Y/N smiled as she waved back to Viktor. She noticed a young blonde boy looking at her, more like glaring. She tilted her head at him, He scoffed and walked away. Y\N shrugged and went to look for her mother.

"Y/N! You shouldn't run off like that! You almost scared me half to death, Honey!" Her mother swooped Y\N up and hugged her tightly. "Mommy! I met one! I met a ice angel!" "Oh, that's great Honey! Say, how about when we get home, we can watch my recording of the performance? Sound good?" "Yep!"

I will skate for you. (Yurio x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now