Bullies and a Girl

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"LET ME HELP YOU." The moment I hold her hand reaching for me, my life changes the way I never expected it to be.

She brought light to my dim world. She gives strength to my weak presence. She is a person who CONSTANTLY CHANGED me.


"Coward!" One of my classmates hardly laugh as he landed another kick to my stomach reason for blood to spit out of my mouth.

I don't know how long I could take it but I want to end my life and stop this suffering. I'm sick and tired of my stupidity.

"Get up. Aren't you going to fight back?" He added and hold my collar to pull me up. Then throw me against the wall.

According to a study, 10% of the people around the world are experiencing bullying and almost half of them were committing suicide. They may be girls or boys, young and oldest, black or white, but they all have no excuses. Even me.

"Someone is coming. Back off!" Now, they stop. And run away, again.

This is very frustrating. Every single day, I was beaten by them to death but I couldn't even defend myself. I'm such a cowardly person. Idiot.

"Crying baby, again." I tried to look up but I couldn't even move my body because of the pain I felt. But hearing those voices gives me comfort.

I don't know but who may this girl standing in front of me will be. She will never hurt me like other people did because I am safe with her.

"Idiot." A faint smile formed on my lips as I heard those words from her. I don't understand but when that word comes out from her, it's like a compliment to me.

Then everything went black.

"Hey, Hak. Give me my assignment." Demanded Won, one of my classmates. I don't know how this started, it just happened that one day everyone treated me this way.

"Everyone, settle down." Our teacher said as he entered our room with a new student at his side.

"Please introduce yourself." He added then the girl walked forward.

"I'm Yona." T-those voice. I-I can't be wrong I heard it before. That voice come to me every time I was beaten by my classmate. I know it was her.

But she's so small. How could she help me with her tiny arms? It is impossible. Well maybe is it me, being desperate to think that this girl is the same as the girl who helped me.

"Buy as yogurt." I immediately run to the canteen as the bell rang to buy the yogurt before the next class started.

Well! If I don't follow them they will surely beat me again, like they did yesterday. Yes! This is the only way I know to stop them from hurting me.

"Here's your yogurt." I led the yogurt to them as I was catching my breath.

"Stupid. How many times do I have to tell you I hate this flavor." Before I could realize what he said, the pack of yogurt hit my face and spill over my uniform.

Then a hard laugh from everyone roared inside the room. Yeah! No one cared for me. No one treated me as a person. For them, I am just the toy they play around with.

I run as fast as I could and did not even look at whom I bumped. All I want is to end this life. I've already reached my limit and I could take it anymore.

Maybe if I die, people will realize how hard to live with their side. Maybe they will see that I'm suffering so much. Maybe they will.

"Do you want to kill yourself?" I was now standing at the gutter of the rooftop. One step closer to ending this miserable life. But that voice, again. I heard this voice again who came every time I am hopeless.

"Or do you want me to kill you? At least this way won't send you to hell. " And there she was the girl sitting at the gutter looking down at the field of the university or I must say, the field of the Hell I go to every day.

"Killing yourself is a grave sin. What you're going to do will not send you to a place where you want to be." But what is this girl saying? What does this girl talking about?

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" I shouted but her expression never changed. I was a dull expression that will not even care if I jump by now to end my life. She will never care. She will watch as the other did.

"I just giving you a suggestion. If you don't like it then I'll go." Then she jump off and walked away from me. But before she open the door, she turned around and formed a faint smile on her lips. Then.

"Don't kill yourself, idiot. The world is better than what you think."

Constantly ChangedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon