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Authors Note.
Hey. It's K and I'm here with a brand new story for an old old fandom. Hopefully y'all read this. I'll update whenever I can but college can get a little crazy. Leave me some love in the comments. If you ever want a special request, feel free to DM me and I'll see what I can do about it. Look out for my upcoming Overwatch fic and I hope you guys like this one.
I also may be starting a journal here and might stash my poems somewhere in there. Anyway, this story is mine, do not repost without permission, no posting on Fanficion.net, A03 etc.  I have no beta as of yet and if you wish to me, drop me a DM. Do note that the chapters for this will be short but many.
Once again, I hope you enjoy this story and I always cherish the feedback I get from my lovely readers.
Peace out,

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