friday (part 1)

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Hailey's pov: "Holy shit, I'm nervous." I said to Elena when I finished getting ready.

"Don't be." Elena said.

"But what if Corbyn doesn't like my outfit and thinks I look bad and-" I started to say.

"Stop overthinking!" Elena exclaimed, cutting me off.

"Corbyn likes you for you, he doesn't care about your outfit and if you look bad." She said.

"All he cares about is going on a date with you and making sure you're happy." She continued.

I sighed, knowing she was right.

"When did you get so wise?" I asked as I looked at her.

Elena shrugged.

"I might be your little sister, but I know a lot when it comes to these types of things." She said.

"Trust me." She added.

I rolled my eyes then hugged her.

"Well thank you for helping me get ready." I said.

"Anytime, sis." Elena said wrapping her arms around me, so she was hugging me back.

*doorbell rings*

"Crap that's probably him." I said breaking the hug.

Elena smirked and ran out of my room as she said that she'd get the door. I mentally groaned and slowly followed after her.

"El, I can get it my-" I started to say, but cut myself off when I saw Corbyn standing at the door.

He looked handsome as ever. He was wearing a nice tux, that made him look really good.

I slowly made my way down the last two stairs and over to Corbyn.

"Woah." Corbyn mumbled.

I blushed and looked down.

"You look amazing." He said, making me look back up at him.

"Thank you." I said softly, still blushing.

"This is too cute." Elena said, making both of us look over at her.

She was standing there with her phone in her hands.

"What are you doing?" I asked nervously.

"Recording this adorable moment." She said shrugging innocently.

"Oh my gosh, stop." I said covering my face with my hands.

My hands were removed from my face by Corbyn making me look at him.

"Don't hide your beautiful face." He said.

I smiled softly, already knowing that my face was probably as red as a tomato at this point.

"We should probably get going." I said.

Corbyn nodded.

"Make sure you bring her back some point after midnight, she needs to feel free and be wild for a night." Elena said.

"El!" I exclaimed.

"I mean am I wrong?" She asked.

I simply rolled my eyes and dragged Corbyn out of my house.


"So I found a new song for our playlist." I said.

"What is it?" Corbyn asked.

"Hold on let me play it." I said as I grabbed the aux cord and plugged my phone into it.

I, I am drowning in love with you

I, I hope, hope that it's good for you

I, I am learning to live again

I, I'm done with the fast-paced, flower crowned women

I, I am falling in love with you

I glanced over to Corbyn to see him slowly moving his head to the beat.

And I, I hope that it's good for you

"So what do you think of it so far?" I asked.

I, I've been, I've been in every state

"I'll let you know when it's over." Corbyn said.

But content is foreign soil (content is foreign soil)

It's sand I'd love to cultivate

I'm just afraid that you'll change me

Won't run away or I'll have to take it slow

Don't want to fall silent for long

Won't run the away I spook out easy though

"I'm just afraid that you'll change me." I began to sing along softly.

"Won't run away or I'll have to take it slow, don't want to fall silent for long." I continued.

Won't run the away I spook out easy though

I'm just afraid that you'll change me

Won't run away or I'll have to take it slow

Don't want to fall silent for long

"Won't run the away I spook out easy though." I sang as the song came to an end.

I turned towards Corbyn, who was still focused on the road ahead of him.

"So what'd you think?" I asked.

"I liked it, what's it called?" He asked.

"Let's Talking About Feelings by Joywave." I said.

He nodded.

"Are all of their songs this good?" He asked.

"I mean I think they are, but I haven't listened to all of his songs yet." I said turning back towards my window.

"I'll have to check out their music sometime." He said.

I hummed in reply, still looking out my window.

"So where exactly are we going?" I asked turning back towards him.

He turned his head slightly towards me so he was looking at me.

"You'll find out soon enough." He said winking before looking back at the road ahead of him.

"God this boy will be the death of me someday." I thought to myself.

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