Drunk on Thoughts... of You... | Minseok, Junmyeon

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Minseok hesitated as he stared at the screen of his phone, his thumb hovered above the buttons beneath Junmyeon's name. His mind hazy, eyes fighting to stay open, his left hand supporting heavy head that just wants to bang against the table.

His head began to slip slowly and his fingers now deep into his thick messy hair. He slammed the phone screen down against the table and moved his hand to hold tightly to the soju bottle. His focus on the bottle faded as he stared mindlessly. 

Sighing, he let go of the bottle and his phone came back into his grip. Unlocking it, the screen lit up and once again, he's faced with the sight of Junmyeon's contact details.

"Whatever..." Minseok pressed the screen hard and closed his eyes, his heavy eyelids winning against his will to not fall asleep.


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The beeping became the only sound he could hear and it lasted for so long it ended with the voice of the operator lady or whatever it's called redirecting the call into voicemail.

Minseok blurted out all the things he had kept inside and once done, he used his last piece of strength to end the call and dropped his head to the table, clutching his phone tightly.


Junmyeon slowly opened his heavy eyelids, his head slowly turning from left to right and back to stare towards the ceiling. His head still so heavy from the massive headache he had to bear throughout the hectic day. 

Slowly and gently, he pushed himself up and adjusted himself so his back was leaning against the bed head.

He ran his left hand through his hair numerous times and massaged his head lightly each time. His right hand ran through his duvet trying to locate his phone and in mere moments, he found it.

Turning it on with a push of a button, he was glad he had it on the lowest brightness setting or else he was sure his headache would return.

Staring at the screen, he could clearly see the message on Minseok's voicemail. Quickly dialling the telco's number for voicemails, he was soon greeted with Minseok's voice.

"You should stop pushing yourself for god sake... Seeing you pretend to be all strong just makes me mad okay?! You keep on putting that mask, it makes me sick to see you caring about others way fucking more than you do about yourself..."

It was a long silence before Minseok's voice was heard again, but this time, it was extremely softer,

"Please Junmyeon... please..."

A forced laugh left Junmyeon's mouth, "He keeps on doing this, wanting me to being the strong one yet he keeps playing the damsel in distress."

"You should really not drink alone Minseok. You're just making yourself, your feelings more transparent to me like this."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2018 ⏰

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