Uno: Where it All Begun

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Hi. My name is Isabella Ver Gaunt. If you do not know me, that's okay cause most people don't. You see that girl dressed in a hoodie, blue jeans, and sneakers that have seen better days, surrounded by 5 other people, 2 boys, and 3 girls, all misfits in their own way? Yup, that's me. And those people are my friends. You can say we are the background of this high school. The nerds although truthfully all of us hate studying. We just can't afford to not study. You probably have seen us around but have not paid much attention to us. After all, we are not worth much of your time. However, during rare moments we do get noticed or specifically, I do get noticed.  By who?

"Izzy! Wait up! God, you must have either invisibility powers or flash powers. I swear I can never find you or catch up with you." Speak of the devil? And he shall appear.

Jonathan Rivers. Mr. Playboy, Mr. Billionaire, Mr. Handsome, Mr. Annoying. Yup, that's him. My ex-best friend. Trust me. I know its cliche for a nerd to have an ex-best friend who is a jock. But our story runs the exact opposite. He did not ditch me. I ditched him. Well to put it in a more pleasing way, I gave him a chance to be popular. I allowed him to be the one everyone admires.

"Izzy, stop daydreaming!" he whined. I turned towards him giving him a glare. "I am not daydreaming. Don't you have anyone else to bother? Like one of your real friends?"

His eyes turned cold the moment I said that making me immediately regret my decision.

"Real friends huh? You were the one who ditched me. You were the one who decided you did not want to be friends with me. So don't you start complaining about them. At least they were brave enough to be my friends," he said scoffing.

I turned around and walked away but he decided to continue following me. "Wait for me Izzy, Isabella. I'm sorry. I did not mean it," he said begging. I sighed and stopped. "What do you want Jon?"

"You called me Jon. You CALLED ME JON!" he started screaming in a really loud voice. I immediately shoved him into the nearest wall while covering his mouth. His eyed turned to full of mischief and a few seconds later I felt my palm become wet.

I jumped away eyes wide and gasped. "Yuck! Seriously haven't you grown up yet!" I frowned and wiped the saliva from my hand onto his shirt. He laughed and just shrugged.

"I no longer have you to keep me in line Izzy," he said slowly becoming serious again.

I closed my eyes for a brief second and opened them again staring straight into his blue eyes. The eyes that I missed deeply. I knew I still cared about him alot and still loved him although I pushed him away. I walked closer to him hesitating for a few seconds before wrapping my arms around his neck. Since he was a few inches taller, I had to stand on my tip toes in order to be ableto hug him. I felt him still for a brief moment before wrapping his arms around me.

"I missed you Izzy!" he said whispering softly into my hair. "Really really missed you."

"I know. I missed you to you big doofus," I mumbled back my words swallowed by his shirt.

We were wrapped up in our own world that I did not realize the hallway had grown still and quiet. Then I realized what I was doing. I was hugging the IT boy of the school. The most popular kid that everyone loves but not many can get close to. And here he was hugging a nerd. I slowly untangled my arms from his neck, planting myself onto the ground and grabbed his face into my hands.

"We need to talk Jonathan," I said smiling alittle. "Urgh, you sound like my mom when you say that. I guess old habits die hard huh," he said winding his arms around my waist.

"Alright no more of this lovey dovey crap. We have given this school enough of show for the day. Meet me after school at the spot?" I asked him.

"Forever, baby."

"And always, Teddy," I replied.

I moved away from him and walked to my class. I knew that at the end of this period gossip would have already spread on how I hugged the schools golden boy. But at this point I was to exhausted to care. I knew my own friends who had no idea about my friendship with Jon would also be worried and shocked. I guess its finally time to face the music.

Jonathans POV (A little treat and back story to their friendship).

She was my best friend. I mean she still is to me although I may not be to her. I know she was trying to give me a proper high school experience by pushing me away, but I never wanted that experience in the first place. If I had a chance and a choice I would have stood by her and continued our friendship instead of hanging out with people who still do not know me after being friends for how many years. Yes its quite mushy for me, a guys to be gushing about her this way but it is the way it is. She was my first love and still is. And I would definitely never forget her.

I first met her in a park. Being a scrawny kid I had no friends although my dad was the richest man in town. I guess kids did not care about the status or the money. Parents would always like to force their kids to befriend me but I guess I learned from a young age what being two-faced meant. Then she came along with her long pigtails and friendly smile. She approached me first asking me to play with her. No more like demanding me to play with her. My parents loved her from day one as they saw how innocent and happy she was. She quickly became a part of my family always there in my house playing with me. She even had her own room in my house. But that all changed the day she decided it was best for us to part ways. But my name is not Jonathan if I do not find out the real reason behind this.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2018 ⏰

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