Part 1:The Idiots Emurge

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Idiots are everywhere, you must agree with me they are a pain in the piehole.They have invented idiots in 1978 and still they are here after all these years they have not been sorted out. We have to live with them every day and they may be funny or they may be stupid but, most of them are stupid.

We are desperately trying to help those who are as dumb as the ground. So here is how to lie for idiots.They always tend to have a story when they do something wrong.Like I was eating then my dog ate the food so i haven't ate the whole day.

First they tend to have excuses for everything and its so obvious that they are lying.We are a team and all of us are trying to eliminate those idiots.

Second they hate to work and always think otherwise than our normal people including me and I agree it is most likely to run into them everyday of you're life and you must try to behave yourself in front of those funny or stupid people. They could make you so mad that you want to kill them.

Third they use their stupidy to make you as person angry, so mad you just want say"why don't you go and get yourself a life"

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