
17 1 1

XBellaX: i miss u so f**king much

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XBellaX: i miss u so f**king much....

NashGrier: hmm...?

Bellator: Love youu sooo😻

HateBella: Can you die pleas?

HunterRowland: @HateBella shut the fuck up and go pleas

HunterRowland: Beautyy💓 But who do you miss??

JacobSartorius: I Think i know whooo

ShawnMendes: 😞💓...
XBellaX: @ShawnMendes Text me😦💞
ShawnMendes: @XBellaX yeah sure💕💞

I'M not a second choice! (Deel 2)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu