Chapter 1

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I really hated the beginning of the year, having to get use to classes, the people, and since I'm at a new school I have to start all over again


Oh, by the way my names Brandon.I have a mom and dad and a little sister we adopted a few years ago when she was just a baby, her names Kiara

And speaking of which "Bubby..get up mommy said to come get you" Kiara says busting through my door full of energy

Next thing I know I felt her body jump on my bed, her hands shaking me.

Groaning I swat her hand away

"I'm up Kk I'll be in the kitchen in a second alright"

"Fine, but if you're not up daddy said he's coming in here with the bucket of water" she giggles leaving out

Grabbing my outfit for the day I took a shower and head into the kitchen smelling bacon

"Princess you want to put your breakfast into a sand which or leave it like this" dad asks Kiara who was sitting at the table with mom putting her stuff into her backpack

"Sand which please"

Dad glances at me and smirks "I see you're up, I thought I was gonna have to get the bucket" he chuckles cutting the sand which in half

"Oh you are so funny" I laugh obnoxiously copying my dad, annoyed that I now have to get up so early and knowing if I really didn't get up he would have filled a bucket of water and threw it on me considering it wouldn't be the first time.

I sat down at the table and pondered about me going into a new school

The school year for this school has been going on for about a good two months now meaning I'm officially the new kid. I won't even be able to see Marcus and Lia...I really didn't like this move.

I pouted just thinking about it

"Hey instead of pouting like a child, eat and head out, we dont want either of you late" mom says rushing around to grab her keys, kissing dad and heading out the door

"Well y'all heard the woman, get out my house" Dad finishes and heads out after mom.

"They just kick us out like we dont matter, I see how it is" I sulk playfully I look over at Kiara who smiles and continues to eat

I grab a plate and my back pack quickly eating and waiting on Kiara to finish her food so I could take her to school first

"Bubby I'm done are you ready...Let's go!!" she says with enthusiasm going to the garage and hopping in with me following behind her. Before leaving I made sure she had on her seatbelt and left closing the garage afterwards

"How in the hell do a little person have so much energy in the morning" I grumbled to myself but even though I hadn't had much sleep and had a minor attitude about it I was happy she was excited for her first day

We were a few minutes away from driving up to her school and decided to talk to her the rest of the way making sure she wasn't nervous or anything

"So you excited for your first day" I asked

She shook her head "Yup I can't wait bubby, I'm gonna meet my teacher, and new kids like me....ohhh and we get to play on playground like my old you think they gonna like me" she asks her nervousness starting to settle in

"They will I'm sure, you're full of energy, kind and likeable. I promise" I tell her honestly

She smiles that bright smile of hers just as we are pulling up she unbuckles and puts her backpack on moving to the front just a little and giving me a tight hug before saying the normal goodbyes and love you's shared between us whenever one of us left

"Guess I need to get to school, lucky for me I have a ten minute drive" I say sarcastically to myself, rolling my eyes and driving on

I showed up to soon for my liking and got out the car. There were a bunch of people everywhere, in the parking lot, hallways, classrooms that were open, the gym..just literally everywhere and when I passed they looked at me

Im not surprised seeing as even though its the start of a new year I'm new to the school while most of these people have been going to the same schools all their lives

Ignoring the stares, I head to the office and grab my schedule not knowing any one I went directly to class since we only had a few minutes left

I sat in a random spot in the front getting a notebook and pencil out.

Hearing the bell ring I got on my phone texting Marco until I heard people talking and coming in

Soon enough the classroom was just about filled up, with a couple of extra desks on the side where I was. I wasn't offended that no one wanted to sit by me there was only one girl that was sitting on the right side of me, I knew they didn't know me so therefore they most likely weren't going to and I didn't expect them to I was actually perfectly fine being by myself for the moment

The girl from earlier tapped me on the shoulder and I looked over to her seeing a tan girl with brunette hair and hazel eyes frowning at me, she leans in

"You don't want to sit there.." She says looking at the door then back at me

I get a confused look on my face leaning in towards her "And why not, no one else was sitting here so I don't see the problem" I ask

She sighs looking at the door again "A guy named Vatus sits here. He always does in every class he gets in a desk at the far left of class always the first seat in the front..He doesn't give up his seat either. I'm trying to help you before he comes and says something to you..last year someone said that they were in the class with him and someone sat in his chair. He beat the kid for it"

I look at her for a moment deciding to respond "First off have you ever considered that it could be a rumor considering, who would really beat someone over something so small also I was sitting here first so he's gonna have to move somewhere else cuz I'm not movin" I say

I wasn't gonna get scared just because someone told me that and whoever this Vatus person is can kiss my ass I was sitting here, if he wants it he should've been here to get it

"Okay well I tried to warn you since i noticed you were new, i've never seen you at this school before but good luck" glancing at me before minding her own

I sat their looking out the window in my own world

'Where the hell is the teacher at..'

"You're sittin' in my spot get out of it" I heard a rough voice of someone coming up to the desks and look over towards the door to see a guy

'Must be Vatus' I look up to see him right in front of me, glaring like I did something wrong and I just looked at him.

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