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     The four stood there, paralyzed at the horrific thing that stood merely ten feet away. The only thing separating them from each other was the thin glass of the window. But like a statue, it just stood there. It's white eyes fixed on the four, feeling like it was looking right through them. Like it could sense the tension in them. The fear. Jenna started walking backwards, not realizing what she was doing, and bumped into Rowland. But neither of them moved, for they both feared that any sudden movement would set the thing off. As they stood there, Rowland slowly put his hand on Jenna's arm from behind and lightly nudged her to snap her out of the trance.

     Jenna tilted her head slightly to speak to Rowland. He however, was considerably taller than her so her head barely reached his chin.

     "So what do we do?" Jenna whispered as soon as she was out of the trance, trying to make as little movement as possible. Rowland still had to lean over to hear her voice, which was only a little bit more than complete silence.

     Rowland didn't answer. He did nothing. But he hadn't had anything to say. He looked back up at the thing, which didn't appear to have moved an inch. Then he peered at the other through the corner of his eye. Both were looking back at him, expecting some type of plan. It was obvious. Everyone expected him to make some sort of decision. He had to take charge.

     When Rowland focused again on the window, he noticed something off. His eyes widened. The thing was heading straight towards them! It ran unsteadily, but it seemed to be going faster than any of them could. It reached the window and crashed into it face first! The shards of glass stuck out of its bloody face. It started crawling through the opening it had made, tearing its clothes and flesh as it did so.

     "RUN!" Rowland shouted when he got the sense to react.

     But the others didn't need his command, for they had all already dashed to the opposite direction. Jenna was panting next to Layla. She could feel her lungs pushing all the air out of themselves as she bolted. They had dashed to the back door, not waiting for the others, and almost fell off of the back porch. They were outside, crouching behind the door to hold it shut. But they soon realized that the guys hadn't followed.

     "WHAT DO WE DO?" Layla basically shouted at Jenna.

     "Would you keep your voice down," Jenna whispered back after she pushed Layla's head down more so she couldn't be seen through the window.

     "We need to find Henry and Rowland." She said in between breaths. Each word she spoke could be seen in the air. It was freezing.

     "They're probably together. But they're both complete idiots so they most likely went upstairs, where that ...thing... probably followed them."

     Layla nodded. They both knew they were about to do something crazy. They would have to go back. Jenna cracked the door open, squinting as the door loudly creaked. She paused. Nothing seemed to have noticed. Jenna's complete focus was on scanning the inside of the room, but it appeared that with the breaking of the window, it had also taken out the only lamp in the room. It was pitch black inside the house and Jenna couldn't see a thing. She tried not to shake the door as she let out a shiver. Layla whimpered, but Jenna ignored it. Her eyes were still scanning the inside of her house for any signs of movement.

     Layla tugged at her sleeve.

     "Not now," Jenna whispered, "it could hear you."

     But Layla pulled at Jenna one more time, causing her to shut the door and turn around. But as soon as she did, she saw what was causing Layla to distract her. Jenna could feel a cold sweat run down the back of her neck as she stared into the eyes of another person, a man, who had the same rotting appearance as the little girl.

     The thing was just as horrific, if not more. It had the same white eyes, only half of one was missing, leaving the other, bloodied in its socket. This one was much taller than Layla or Jenna. Blood from sores stained his tattered clothes. His hair had been ripped out, leaving only bloody patches of hair left on his head. Skin off of its arm and chest appeared to have been scratched off, leaving bare bone and muscle exposed.

     Jenna and Layla could hear its fast breathing. Every breath it took was accompanied by the sound of crackling mucus in its lungs.

     It only took a few seconds of hesitation before charging! Full speed, it ran towards the girls! Layla shrieked while her friend opened the door and shoved both of them inside. The thing plunged its hand straight through the wooden door. The wood cut into its arm. Its blood dropped onto the girls as they used all their weight to keep the door shut. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2018 ⏰

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