December 24, 2020-The Christmas Eve Massacre

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"You guys ready?" Skia said with a grin over her headphones.

"You bet we are!" came Frostcun's voice from the other end. Skia smirked as she pressed "Start Game!" Playing Osu with her friends was her favorite past time. She enjoyed her time with Frostcun as much as she enjoyed being in Wirocajun's presence.

Skia's hand darted across the screen at a rapid speed. She was a touchscreen player and playing greatly improved her reflexes. Suddenly her computer seemed to be trembling. She frowned slightly, but kept playing.

"Is your computer shaking?" came Wirocajun's voice. Skia frowned again and scrutinized her device. It was indeed shaking, and very violently. A sudden pop up appeared and Skia screamed, "GET AWAY FROM YOUR COMPUTER!!!" before ripping off her headphones and diving behind her bed.

The little laptop was blown to bits, destroying Skia's desk and half of her chair. She peered over her bed and she swore she heard a man laughing. She slid her spare laptop out from under her bed and booted it up. This one was heavily protected by all sorts of firewalls.

"Are you guys okay?!" she quickly typed into the chat line.

"What the firetruck was that?!" Kinimiwa typed back.

"Thank god you told us to get a spare computer in case something like this happened..." Frostcun typed back. Skia's computer began to chirp angrily. She click the flashing little icon and was redirected to a live stream news announcement.

"Breaking news! Seventy-two people were killed in a hacking that caused computers to spontaneously combust. One hundred twenty-three people were attacked and five were injured severely." Skia snapped her computer shut and pulled out her phone. She shakily dialed Wirocajun's number.

"W-Wiro?" she stammered once he picked up.

"Yes, Skia?" he asked.

"Are we going to die?" Wiro thought about this.

"I don't know, Skia. I don't know. "

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2018 ⏰

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