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"You really can't remember?!" Yoongi said as he rose his voice, scaring the younger boy. Without thought he slammed his fists down on the counter in front of him, making Jimin jump in his seat slightly. Normally, Yoongi would never act like this, but the fact that out of all things Jimin remembers from Little Space, he can't remember what he said makes Yoongi somewhat furious and saddened.

"N-No...I'm sorry, Hyung. What happened?" Jimin asked innocently with his hands folded neatly on top of the table, trying to to trigger Yoongi any more than he already is.

"You fucking called me daddy!"

Silence engulfed the two in the kitchen. Jimin's eyes had widened to the size of quarters by the time Yoongi finished his statement.

Jimin decides to speak, his voice coming out small. "I-I'm so sorry...I didn't mean to call you that. Just forget it ever happened okay, forget I called you daddy."

Yoongi couldn't believe what he was hearing. Jimin doesn't even want to know why or how?! Regret boils in his head as he sighs in frustration. He contempts the situation before grabbing his car keys and throwing on a hoodie, slamming the front door shut on his way out.

Yoongi fumbles with the keys at first, dropping them before unlocking the car. He turns the ignition on before revving the vehicle and speeding out and down the road. He would have stayed with Jimin at the apartment, but inside Yoongi's mind the fact that Jimin just said to forget the special name he called him...it hurt. He didn't want to risk letting lose in front of Jimin, so that's why he left...he also needed to clear his head because he is developing serious feelings for this younger boy.


"Jiminie Pabo! Such a pabo!" Jimin yells, hands attacking his head as he pulls his hair in frustration.

He runs the little way to his room. He needs to find his phone, he needs to call someone. Forgetting where he put the phone, Jimin is forced to search the entire room.

The bedside table. Nope.

The floor. Nope.

Jimin checks the dresser. Instead of finding a phone, his eyes land on a small plastic pacifier. It's purple edges popping out as the words 'baby' sprawled across the front. Without hesitation, he immediately popped the plastic pacifier into his mouth, sucking and biting on the rubber. The boy only noticed himself turning little when he let's out tiny whines and finds his stuffed elephant being held under his arm tightly.

His small chubby hands grab the ends of the blankets, pulling hard. The sound of a crash erupts. His phone had flown out of the blankets and hit the wall. The little yelps and runs over to the phone. Jimin let's out a sob once he sees the screen of the device half shattered.

"Daddy..." He sobs quietly.

"Daddy." His voice begins to get louder, needier.

"Daddy!" He full on yells, his voice echoing throughout the apartment.

Tears fall down his rosey red cheeks as Jimin fumbles the phone. He manages to press the call button, ringing Yoongi.

The phone rings...and rings...and rings...

"What?" Yoongi had picked up after all!

"Daddy! M-Minnie is s-sad and h-hungry. Where is daddy?" His voice squeaking ever so slightly as he cries.

A scoff is heard on the other line, making Jimin confused.

"Call Hoseok." The phone line goes dead, beeping a few times before the screen goes back to the contact page.

The rang Hoseok. Unlike Yoongi, Hoseok picked up in record time as he's always looking out for his friend. Jimin had told Hoseok that Yoongi had left, and they both agreed that Hoseok would come over to talk about it.

"H-Hoseokie!" The little shouted, tears streaming his chubby cheeks. The older of the two engulfed the smaller, already lending a hand as he rubs his back in comfort.

"Now, tell Uncle Hoseokie what happened." He led Jimin to the couch where they both took a seat.

"Minnie remembers that this morning Daddy was mad about something..." The little looks like he's thinking..."Minnie can't remember." He pouts.

"How about you come out of little space and talk to Hoseok properly."

The little complies and nods.


"So, Yoongi Hyung was yelling and mad. He said I didn't remember what I had called him last night while I was little...apparently I had called him daddy...I told him I was sorry and that he should forget everything that happened..."

Hoseok swallows what was left of an oatmeal bar he had found and stuffed into his mouth before replying. "Uhm. Jimin, you still call Yoongi daddy while in little space."

"I do!? Shit." Jimin groans, he wish he wouldn't have called Yoongi it and so everything would still be the way it was...or he wishes he would have remembered.

"Also, I know where you went wrong. You told him to forget it, right? Let's say you liked someone a lot...more than a friend, and that someone called you something special that you've never been called before, so special. The next day the person decides to ring you up and tells you to forget the he'd called you that very special name. You'd be upset, would you not? Furious even. Saddened. Alone. That's how Yoongi feels right now. You called him daddy and that's a special name that you give to someone you trust, right? You told him to forget you ever called him special."

Jimin was like a deer in head lights. His eyes widened and mouth agape. His lips opening and closing like a guppy fish.

"I...I understand now." Jimin is left with his head down. "D-Does Yoongi Hyung really like me...?"

Hoseok nods at the boy.

"He does."

"More than a friend?" Jimin asked, fingers twiddling together, going around in circles.

"More then a friend."

Jimin finally realizes. All this time, Yoongi had wanted to take care of Jimin, Jimin wasn't forcing anything. He realizes it from how Yoongi looked at him when he's little, how gentle he is when he touched him...how caring and kind he is towards Jimin, unlike others. Even when he's big, Yoongi is the same towards him...nothing changes. Yoongi likes Jimin for who he is. And Jimin loves Yoongi for everything he is and does.

"I've got to find him."

"I know where he is." Hoseok buds.

"Shit, I'm going to be little."


I'm sorry there's gonna be a chap 10.2

I was super lazy lmao







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