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A hand gently shook Remi's shoulder, awakening her from slumber.

She slowly sat up and rubbed at her sleepy eyes. Had she fallen asleep while watching Killure cook?

He stood bent over in front of her, startlingly close. And snickered.

"What?" she glared hard at him, putting her hands on her hips.

He gestured towards his own cheek, which made her confused. "What? There's nothing wrong with your cheek."

Killure only began laughing harder. The laugh was eerie, distant and muffled, as though he was laughing underwater.

Oh, Remi realized. He meant my cheek.

She reached a hand up to feel her cheek, only to come back with white flour on her hand. She must have been sleeping on a bit of flour that had spilled from the flour bag.

Feeling mildly annoyed, Remi grabbed a handful of flour from the bag and tossed it at his cackling, half-hunched over form.

It hit the side of his face with deadly precision, getting all over his hair.

Killure stopped laughing.

His eyes snapped to hers, a dangerous glint flashing within them.

Strolling leisurely towards her, he reached a hand up and felt the flour in his own hair, and a thoughtful expression flitted over his face.

Cautious, Remi stood up. What if she had really angered him?

She could feel the heat from his body now—he was so close. So close, that her heart was beginning to beat quicker and quicker.

He leaned down until their faces were only inches apart, and stroked her long, smooth hair through his clawed fingers. An eerily wide smile erupted on his face with such suddenness that it startled her. "If you weren't my pretty little master," he murmured tantalizingly, "I'd dump the entire bag of flour onto your head."

He looked like he was about to devour her.

Remi's throat was dry, and not a single word formed on her lips.

He only snickered at her reaction, before turning around and walking back over to the oven. After turning the stove off, Killure reached in and pulled out a pan with his bare hands, teetering it on the tips of his claws so that he wouldn't burn his fingers.

He put a few finishing touches on them, before placing one on a plate and holding it out to her. "Cannoli?"

Cautiously, Remi walked over to him and examined the dessert on the plate. The pastry was made of many very thin, cooked layers and had a creamy strawberry-coloured filling inside. Sweet sauce had been lightly dribbled over the top, and dusted by icing sugar.

It looked amazing, like a work of art.

Glancing up at him quickly before taking the plate, Remi scooted off to the far side of the kitchen and set the plate down. She stared for a moment longer, truly hoping he hadn't put poison in the cannoli while she'd been asleep.

Gingerly, she brought the flaky, creamy delight up to her lips and took a bite.

Her tastebuds orgasmed.

The sweet strawberry filling was sweet, but not too sweet. The crust was cooked just right, and the toppings made it taste that much better.

She noticed Killure watching her expectantly. "I really hope you're watching me in hopes that I liked this, and not because you're waiting for the poison to hurry up and make me die."

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