All of my Life ||Maddie Ziegler||

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          “Attention ladies and gentlemen, flight forty-three from Los Angeles to Pittsburgh will be leaving momentarily. Please take a moment to turn off all electronic devices and put on your seatbelts. Thank you for flying with us.” A flight attendants voice came over the plane’s loudspeakers, pulling a certain Madison Ziegler out of her light slumber.

          Maddie groaned and leaned back in her seat. In a few hours’ time, she’d be back in her boring hometown with her boring friends and boring family and life.

          She didn’t want to leave LA; her whole life was there. Acting classes, voice lessons, and dances that actually challenged her.

          Well, and there was Sam, too.

          She shivered as she thought about him…all the time they’d spent together. His brown eyes that made her heart melt; his dark-blonde hair that Maddie often found herself playing with.

          Sam was an actor and singer, too, but he was far more advanced than Maddie. That’s why their instructors had paired them up together. Maddie could help with Sam’s dancing and Sam could help with Maddie’s acting and singing.

          Over the seven weeks Maddie had been visiting, the two had fallen into what Maddie considered to be love. She hadn’t really been in love before; the only other relationship she’d been in had gone down in flames, pushing Maddie away from boys for years, but Maddie thought that she loved Sam.

          She loved it when they kissed. She loved it when he smiled at her. She loved it when they held hands. She loved absolutely everything about him, but did that mean that she loved him?

          Maddie thought it did.

          With a sigh, she glanced out the small plane window. She felt confident that all of her new friends from LA were staring right up at the plane she was on. But, then again they couldn’t see her; they were probably toilet-papering Miss La Rue’s house for making them do one-hundred push-ups again.

          Maddie smiled as she reminisced that night. It had taken Sam about an hour to convince her to go with the rest of the group, and that night ended up being the time of Maddie’s life. She’d liked feeling that thrill…It made her feel alive.


          “You may now turn on electronic devices.” Another voice came over the loudspeaker.

          Maddie reached down into her bag and grabbed her phone out of it; she had six new texts: three from her mother, sister, and dance teacher and four from Sam. She read her mother and sisters’ first.

Mackenzie: Five hours ‘till you’re home!!!!

Mom: When does your plane land again??

          She quickly replied to her mother and Mackenzies’ texts and then opened Abby’s

Abby: I’m so glad you’re coming home :) I have a perfect solo planned out for you; you’re going to love it.

          Maddie couldn’t help but smile at that one.

          The last three texts were from Sam, and each of them made Maddie’s grin even larger.

Sam: I was looking for you at dance today…it’s not really fun anymore :/

Sam: maddie MADDIE Maddie mADDIE MaDdIe mAdDiE

Sam: I’ll be lost without you…

          Maddie didn’t know why, but she liked the sound of that.

          I’ll be lost without you…

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