I can't help, I'm sorry

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I walk home very slowly but I know my mom is going to be mad but right now I don't give a duck.I'm still surprised I said yes to going to the barrens I mean its like just walking up to a well-known murderer and saying 'Hey you come over here and just brutally stab me" well maybe not as harsh but you get the point.I walk up to my light gray door and head up the stairs.My mom tries to talk to me and probably tell me how disappointed she is that I was late but I'm faster so I ran to my room and quickly lock the door.I know its summer but like Henry Bowers clearly said I'm a nerd so I grab my book from my bag and start reading.  

---------------Time skip brought to you by Wyett Oleffs hair-------------------------

After about thirty minutes of reading, I hear the doorbell.I grab my medicine, inhaler, and some money and put them in my pocket just in case.Just as I was about to open the door my mom stopped me.

"Where are you going," she said it so sternly and stared at me like I was going to rob a bank or something.

"umm just going out with some friends"

"okay but don't be too late and remember your lessons tomorrow"

"yes mother"

and then she walked off.I opened the door very slowly to see Eddie taking a puff from his inhaler obviously not realizing I'm there but when he does he stumbles back a bit before mumbling a hi y/n before looking away.You see I'm not very social.Actually, scratch that I'm not social at all so instead of saying hi back I just nod slightly then run off to my bike, get on and wait for Eddie.Then I follow Eddie to our destination but then something strange happened we started heading to the sewers not the barrens I shouldn't question it.

-----------Time skip brought to you by fear, beautiful fear ------------------

Yep we went to the sewers where theirs even more water

"That's poison ivy and that's poison ivy," said stan 

"wheres the poison ivy"Quivered Eddie as he looked around with a worried expression.

"Nowhere Not every fucking plant is poison ivy Stanley" screamed Richie 

"Oh well I'm starting to get itchy," said Eddie 

"Do you use the same bathroom as your mother?" asked Richie

Uh oh I can sense Richie's going to say something trash mouthy

"sometimes yeah"replied Eddie

"then you probably have crabs," said Richie smirking to himself  

"That's so NOT funny "

Richie turned to me eddie and stan

"arent you coming in"Asked richie

"Uhuh that's gray water"replyed eddie"What the hell is gray water?""It's basically piss and shit""So I'm just telling you...You guys are splashing around in millions of gallons of Derry pee."

Richie then directed his full gaze to me

"What about you y/n, you coming in"

I  look down to see water but not just water, disgusting water there is no way in hell I  am  going in their so I'll have to come up with an excuse right on the spot

"Umm I'm with Eddie on this one that's pretty disgusting"

He frowned and looked away.Two can play that game I  look the other way too.What I  see is the river, great.I  hear a splashing noise.I  quickly realize theirs a boy and he doesn't look too good.I see the water mixed in with the boy's blood and start to have a mini panic attack.I grab my inhaler a take two big puffs.Eddie notices this and looks at me.I point to the boy and he rushes over to him.The others quickly following.Bill turns to me.

"Are yyou going to help"

I pause for a few seconds then finally  sigh and say

"I cant help, I'm sorry"

By my facial expression, he knew something was wrong but he didn't question it.He knew some people have boundaries.So you just stood there on the rock watching the others in the water helping the boy.Wait, that's the new kid.

A/N Thank you so much to all my readers and please leave comments telling me how I'm doing 



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