A Richpez maybe

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A/N - This was my first ever try at a fan fiction. My original intention was to make it a full story but I got lazy and turned it into an oneshot.


It was late, and Lauren didn't feel safe to walk back to her hotel all by herself that night.

She had come to LA for this audition and even though she'd done pretty well, she could feel she hadn't got the part. It was ok, it wasn't a really exciting part anyway. It was just a little frustating that nothing seemed to be working out this past weeks.

She was just about to walk back into the theater to call a taxi when a car came in full speed and parked right in front of her with the headlights so bright she couldn't see who was inside.

"Need a ride back to where you're staying?"

"Oh, thank God!" She exclaimed and thought to herself "It's just Joey". After the shock had passed she answered:

"Yeah! That'd be great, I was actually about to call a cab"

"Alright, then! Come on in!"

She sat in the car and asked him:

"So, how did you know I was auditioning here tonight?"

"Well Lo, you may not know this about me, but I'm kind of omniscient."

She look at his face for about two seconds before they both started laughing.

Catching her breath she said:

"Okay, but for real now. How did you know where I was?"

"Oh, Julia texted me and asked me to check on you."

"How sweet! Is that why you almost ran me over back there? You had just heard from Juls and came right to me?"

"Actually she texted me this morning and I just remembered. That's why I was driving so insanely. I was afraid you'd left already." He sad smirking.

"Joey!" She yelled at him punching him on the arm.

It was so nice to be with Joey. Ever since he left Chicago she had missed him so much. They were really close and snugly and being apart from each other was really hard on both of them.

A few minutes later they had stopped at a red light and Lauren looked over to Joey, on the drivers seat.

He looked so peaceful under the red light that was cast upon him, his eyes were so sweet and that mouth of his must be so soft to the touch...Wait! What? Why was she thinking of how his lips must feel like? It was just Joey! Her best-friend-not-love-interest Joey! Or was it? Had something changed? Could she have new feelings for this old friend?

Finally they got to her hotel. They said their good byes and she went inside.

Joey watched as Lauren left the car and went into the lobby. He loved watching her. Not in a creepy way! It was just so comforting to se her smiling, sleeping peacefully or even eating, wich she seemed to do all the time!

He watched as she went up the elevator and started his way back home to the apartment he shared with Corey and Brian. He sometimes wished he shared that apartment with Lauren. Actually, he wished that all the time, and it had been going on for quite a while now.

Once in her hotel room, Lauren threw her purse to the chair and fell face first on the bed. When had her feelings for Joey started to change?

Looking back, they weren't really that recent.

She texted Joey asking to meet him the next day. Perhaps if she spent more time with him it be easier to figure her feelings out.

A/N - Hope you liked it! Please send some feedbacks on the comments so I can make the next stories better!

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