The Pinto Bean Fic

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Otto glared at the boy who stood in front of him. Why was Awsten so damn hot? Like, all Otto could think about during band practices was... well... Let's just say, if Otto was considered the innocent one in the band, the thoughts he had about Awsten would get that title revoked faster than you could say 'smutty fanfiction'


He jumped, startled. "Yeah?"

"Are you just gonna hold that can of beans, or are you gonna buy them? You've been standing there zoned out for ten minutes," Awsten said, tapping his foot.

"O-oh. Sorry. Um, yeah." He placed the beans on the conveyor belt thing and the checkout lady gave him a weird look as he paid for the beans.




"Can we talk... Alone?"

Otto looked up at Awsten and shrugged, following him into his bedroom.

"So, what did you wa-" He was cut off by Awsten pushing him roughly against the wall.

"You thought I didn't notice, huh? I'm not that oblivious, Baby. I know how much I turn you on, you aren't very good at hiding it," Awsten whispered, trailing a hand down Otto's chest.

Otto let out a small whimper. He would be lying if he said he wasn't absolutely rock-hard right now.

"I bet you want me to fuck you right here, right now, don't you?"

Otto nodded furiously, his voice failing him. Awsten smiled at this, picking him up and carrying him to the bed.

"Gonna fuck you so good baby, I promise. Just let me go get something," Awsten said, running out of the room.

Otto sighed. He needed Awsten. Like, right now. He slowly began to palm himself through his jeans, whining a bit at the thought of how Awsten would be so much better at this.

"I'm back," Awsten said, perching on the end of the bed with a... Grocery bag?

Otto decided not to question it.

"I'm gonna blindfold you, alright?"

Otto nodded eagerly. He had a lot of secret turn-ons, and that was one of them.

Awsten quickly pulled a piece of red ribbon out of the bag. "First, you need to strip."

Otto gulped, getting up for a minute and slowly undressing.

"Stop being a tease, baby," Awsten said, pulling him back to the bed and tying the ribbon over his eyes. "Prep?"

Otto shook his head. He didn't want to admit that he'd gotten off thinking about this exact thing earlier that day.

Awsten slowly began to stroke Otto's dick, being sure to tease him just enough.

"F-fuck, Aws-"

"I'm Mr. Pinto Beans to you, baby," Awsten growled, digging through the bag again.

Otto blinked a bit in confusion. "Wh-what?"

There was the sound of a cap opening as Awsten responded. "You're going to call me Mr. Pinto Beans, or you aren't going to get fucked, is that clear?"


"Yes, who?"

"Yes, Mr. Pinto Beans."

"Good boy," Awsten said, pressing a small kiss to Otto's lips. "Are you sure you can handle this, baby?"

"Yes, Mr. Pinto Beans," Otto said, shuddering as he felt something cold brush against his entrance. Awsten quickly thrust the object inside of Otto, who let out a high-pitched gasp.

"Aws, wh-what the fuck is that?"

"Your can of beans, Baby."

Otto let out a loud moans as Awsten pushed the can into him again. "Fuck, Aws..."

"What was that, Baby?"

"M-Mr. Pinto Beans, I- Oh, fuck!"

Awsten removed the can and quickly replaced it with his dick as he opened the can and poured it's contents all over his lover. The sensation of the beans cascading over him was enough to send Otto over the edge, and Awsten wasn't too far behind.

"That was..."


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