Chapter 1: First Day

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First chappie, yay~
Akihiro up top 👆☝
Picture doesn't belong to me, nor does the video.
Starting at episode 3.

Point of View's/ Time skip's/ Scene Changes


Akihiro's P.O.V.

'Finally made it'

I thought to myself while standing in front of the school with a very confusing map in my hand. How I got it you ask? Well, on my way here, I asked an elderly lady for directions to my new school, PK Academy. And lets just say she isn't very good at making maps. I looked at the map again with a sweatdrop, wondering how something that's supposed to be so simple could be so confusing. I'm a transfer student. I used to live in America, but I've returned to Japan after several years. Although, I gotta admit that I do miss my friends from America. Anyways back on topic, I should get to my new class considering I'm late. I got my schedule out from my pocket that my mom managed to get before school started and looked over it.

'Class 3, huh'

Well, I better get going.

*Very short Time Skip*

It took me about seven minutes, but I'm finally here. I slid open the door and caught everyone's attention. It felt awkward suddenly having numerous eyes focused on my every move. But I guess it's what you get for being a transfer student, not to mention being a late one.

"Who's he? He's cute"

"Is that the new transfer student?"

"He's hot"

I ignored their comments and looked at the teacher, bowing my head.

"I'm sorry I'm late, I'm new here and had trouble finding the school", I apologized.

"It's fine, just don't let it happen again", the teacher spoke up.

"It won't, ma'am"

"Come up here and introduce yourself"

I slowly walked to the front of the classroom, "Hello, nice to meet you all. I'm Akihiro Eiji, please take care of me from now on". I bowed my head and then stood up. Weirdly, some(a lot) of the girls and guys had hearts in their eyes.

"Where do I sit?", I asked the teacher.

"Next to Saiki, Saiki raise your hand please", a guy with pink hair and antennas? No, hairpins rose his hand. I walked over and sat down in the empty seat beside him.

"Hi, nice to meet you Saiki, hope we get along", I spoke with a cheerful smile. He had a faint blush on his cheeks.

'Hmmm, he's probably sick. Hope he gets better.'

I took my notebook and favorite blue mechanical pencil out of my bag and started taking notes. Not noticing the various pair of eyes watching me.

*Time skip(lunchtime)*

 The bell signaling lunchtime finally rang and I was ready to eat once I heard it. As I was putting all of my school utensils back in my bag, and I noticed Saiki doing the same.

"Hey Saiki, are you gonna eat in the cafeteria?", I asked. He only nodded. I noticed that he had that faint blush back on his face again. I just shrugged it off.

"Do you mind if I tag along? I don't really know my way around here". Again, he only nodded. Guess that means he doesn't mind. We started walking to the cafeteria. While we were walking in the halls a girl with navy blue hair and eyes walked past us. I stared at where she stopped to talk to another girl. It was kind of awkward, but I still approached her.

"Excuse me", she turned and looked at me with a kind smile. I noticed some guys glaring at me, but I paid no attention to it.

"Could you please step aside?", she looked really confused, but complied anyway. I bent down and picked up a small coin.

"Hey look Saiki, I found 500 yen", I said with a really cheerful smile. He just smiled back, it was faint, but it was still there.

I turned around to face the girl who now looked dumbfounded."Sorry for interrupting your conversation. I noticed you were standing beside it and didn't want to pass up the chance of gaining some extra money", I said with my hand scratching the nape(TITAN!!) of my neck.

"Bye now", I departed with an apologetic but kind smile. I walked back to Saiki who was still patiently waiting for me."Thanks for waiting", he just nodded his head again. We continued on our way to the cafeteria without any more interruptions. When we finally made it to the cafeteria and got our food, Saiki led me to a table where all of his friends were sitting. I introduced myself, and they did the same thing. They were really fun to talk with. I had a good time with them. Even though Kaidou was a little weird.

Soon, the day ended and I went home. After eating a delicious meal my mother prepared and taking a shower, I fell asleep.


So, whadya think? I know it was short but its late and I'm sleepy. Sorry for any mistakes. Bye bye now~

Love ya~

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