Chapter 2: Magic

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Picture of Masaki up top.
Image belongs to Ross Tranz.
Special thanks shunderella for letting me know.

Point of Views/Time Skips/Scene Changes


Akihiro's P.O.V.

I want you by my side~
So that I never feel alone again~
They've always been so kind~
But now they've brought you away fro-

I pushed the dismiss button on my alarm clock. God, I love that song, so much that I could listen to it all day.

I, unwillingly, got up from my very comfortable and warm bed to go take a shower. I walked to my bathroom and started warming up the water. Once the water was nice and warm, I stripped out of my clothes and hopped in. I did all of the necessary things like washing my hair, cleaning my body, having a world tour. You know, basic things. The shower was really warm and comfortable, but I unfortunately had to get out. Once I stepped out of the tub I was attacked by the coldness of my room. God, which polar bear has it this cold in here. Oh....wait....that's me. I wrapped my towel around my waist and brushed my teeth before I walked to my bed to put on my uniform that I laid out before taking a shower. After I was fully clothed I dried my hair so it wouldn't be wet anymore. I made sure I had everything I needed in my bag before heading downstairs. I walked into the kitchen where I saw my mom making breakfast.

"Hey mom, watcha making?", I asked. She turned her attention from the food to me and gave me a smile.

"Nothing much honey, just some eggs with bacon and toast" she replied. I didn't really have an appetite this morning so I just grabbed a slice of toast and spread some strawberry jelly( or topping of your choice) on it. Delicious~.

"Well, I'll be heading out mom. Love you~", I said while slipping on my shoes. She just smiled at me again.

"Have a good day at school hun. Love you too, bye" she said before I closed the door and started walking to school. I love my mom so much. I can't imagine my life without her.

While walking to school I passed some guy in a purple suit with green hair performing some street magic. He had a crowd of people around him that were waiting to be amazed. He started explaining that his 'lovely' assistant, who was just a homeless guy, was going to appear in another box a few feet beside it. He did some weird dance and opened the box where his 'assistant' was supposed to come out from. He came out alright, just not out of the box. The 'magician' had an expression that was a mixture of horror, devastation, and shock. I would've had the same face if that happened to me too. The entire crowd was gone in a matter of seconds, except for one person. Someone familiar with a head full of pink hair. The only pinkette I know is...Saiki!

"Hey Saiki, whats up? I didn't notice you in the crowd", I said with a cheerful smile. He turned and looked at me with the faint blush on his cheeks again. I walked up to him and gave him my million dollar smile. His blush seemed to get darker. I wonder why?

"Hey, do you wanna walk to school together?", I asked hoping he would say yes. I didn't want to walk to school alone. He stayed silent.

"You don't have to if you want to. I don't want to force you", I said with consideration this time. That was so rude of me to ask him. He's probably busy.

'How could you be so selfish, stupid', I thought shamefully to myself.

"Your probably busy, sorry for troubling you. I'll go now, bye". I bowed to him as an apology and quickly walked to the school by myself. Not getting to see his reaction.

Once I made it to my school I sat down in my seat and waited for class to start. I got bored after a while so I plugged in my earphones to my phone and read a book that I had checked out from the library while listening to the most wonderful sound called music. I was so into the book that I didn't even notice that Saiki came in and took his seat. I lost track of the time and the bell rang in what felt like a second. I quickly put away my phone, earphones, and book and took out my notebook and pencil. The teacher walked in and started the lesson.

But, during class I had the strange feeling that someone was watching me.

*Time Skip*

The bell rang for lunch, and I was planning on skipping it to look for a club that I'm interested in. And that's what I did. Although, I did pop a lollipop in my mouth since I was hungry. I kind of already knew what club I wanted to join, but there's no harm in checking out the other clubs. I checked out the Baseball, Tennis, and Newspaper club. All of them weren't interesting to me. Although there was this weird club called the Kokominzu Club, basically a club dedicated for this girl called Kokomi Teruhashi. Weird. Come to think of it, there was also this weird clubroom that had pictures of me. When I entered nobody was in there, so I couldn't ask anybody what it was. Maybe a photography club?

As I roamed the halls I finally found the one that I wanted to join. The Martial Arts Club. I may not look like it, but I was one of the best martial artists back in America. I was even a champion. People don't believe me when I tell them though, so I stopped. I entered the room and saw that they were training. They heard me open the door, so they all turned to look at me. Almost immediately, all of them had blushes on their cheeks.

'I think they're tired from all of the training. Yeah, that must be it', I thought to myself.

"All of you, get back to training!", the captain, I think, told them. He came up to ask what I needed.

"Hello, my name is Masaki Osama, the captain of the Martial Arts club. How can I help you?", he spoke. His voice was deep and calming. He was taller than me, by about a foot and a half, so I had to look up at him. His eyes were a chocolate brown, and his hair was black(see picture up top).

"Nice to meet you, I'm Akihiro Eiji", I said. His blush seemed to get darker, but I paid no mind to it.

"I was wondering if I could join?", he looked totally shocked at what I asked him. The rest of the club members seemed to be in shock too since they all stopped what they were doing and stared at me.

"So, can I?", I asked after a while of no replies.

The captain, Masaki, broke out of his shocked state."Of course you can!", his answer sounded little too eager, but I ignored it thinking it was probably just my imagination.

"Great! Can I start today? After school?", I said even more eagerly. I gave them my signature smile, hoping I could. Their blushes intensified, and I think I saw a guy pass out(?).

"Sure, practice starts right after school", he said with a slight waver in his voice.

"Awesome! Bye, see you after school!", I spoke with so much excitement in my voice. I walked back to class. I looked at my watch and noted that the bell would ring in about 17 minutes. I still had time to eat my lunch.

*Masaki's P.O.V.*

I almost fainted. But, who could blame me? The kid was so darn cute.

'What's this throbbing in my chest?', I thought as I rubbed my chest, trying to make the feeling go away. But, it would only increase as I thought about my interaction with Akihiro.

'Do I have a crush on him? Nah, I just met him that couldn't be possible. Well right now is not really the best time to think about it, so I'll worry about it later.'

I turned around and noticed that everyone had the same expression as I had. A dark blush, and dazed eyes.

"Everyone! Finnish up what you're doing and get ready to leave. The bells about to ring in a few minutes", I said, breaking them out of their trance.

'Looks like I'm not the only one', I thought to myself.

This is gonna be hard.


So, how was it? Terrible right?
Anyways, bye~

Love ya~

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