chapter 1

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*Maura pov*

"What about this one?" My best friend Jane asked taking a long blue dress of the rale. "I think it may be to formal for the party" I replied. We were currently shopping for dresses for a party that Jane's brother Frankie is throwing for making detective and me being me dragged Jane out shopping for a new dress which I could tell she was getting pissed off about. "Maur come on I'm hungry!" She says from the other side of the shop I just smile and continue looking after a few minutes I see the prefect dress for Jane its a deep shade of red and would fit her like a glove I think as I pick it up. "Hey what about this one?" I ask picking it up just as Jane picks up a short dark blue one for me "I love it." we both say walking towards the changing rooms to try them on. "I love how well we know each other." Jane says walking in one of the changing rooms not seeing my smile fade if only she knew. If only she knew that I was a vampire and she was my mate and I want nothing more than to change her and call her mine if only she knew how much I love her. I quickly change into the dress Jane picked out for me smiling as I notice how it hugs my curves and shows the right amount of cleavage and walk out to show Jane. As I walk out my jaw nearly hits the floor there is Jane standing there in the dress I picked out and I was right it does fit her like a glove and the red goes lovely with her olive tone skin making her look stunning.  "Wow Maur you look lovely." Jane says causing me to look up at her I smile and turn around for her to see the back and I swear I hear her moan.  I raised an eyebrow before a sly smile came across my lips "do you like the back or is it too much?" "Yeah it's nice, don't worry" I turned around and gave her a smile before she turned round to show me the back of hers  it was my turn to moan as there was the dress starting just above her ass letting me look at her skin that I longed to touch she turned back around smiling as we went back into the changing rooms to get changed. We each paid for our dresses and I let Jane drag me to the dirty robber to get something to eat god we are not even together and she has me whipped but I need to tell her soon or I shit storm will head our way.

Jane's pov

After 15 minutes of trying to get Maura to get a burger we placed our orders and sat back in our booth. "You do realise that we aren't done shopping yet?" Maura says giving me a sly smile "Oh god please no more shopping!" I groan causing her to look at me and stick her bottom lip out, god she is so cute when she does that if I thought I had any chance I would ask this beautiful women on a date but I couldn't risk our friendship.  Maura looked at me with a questioning look on her face, almost as if she was trying to figure me out, I let out a sigh while realising I was going to have to do more shopping after our meal.  After a couple of minutes our burgers were placed in font of us I watched Maura look at hers trying to figure out how to eat it. "I swear to god if you cut that I will disown you." I say giving her a sly grin she just smiles back and picks up her burger taking a hugh bite "I suppose if I'm making you go back out shopping I should eat this." She says taking another bite "Damn right." I grin taking a bite of mine. 

After we have finished Maura stands up and grabs my hand dragging me outside and to the nearest shoe shop. "Okay we will make this quick pick a pair of shoes that will go with your dress." She says giving me a smile I just nod and walk around the shop. After awhile my eyes landed on a black pair of small heels I smiled and picked them up to go pay for them and wait for Maura to pay for hers she grabbed her bag and then grabbed my hands causing me to shiver at how cold this women can be but she always makes me feel warm when she does. We walk out of the shop and get in the car driving back to her house to get ready for this party.

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