My little pony flutterdash

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Hey guys, just a quick message.
I did NOT create this story. It's copy n pasted from a fanfiction website.


Waffles are good.

Stay awesome

Part one: happening

"Fluttershy! Fluttershy? You there?"

Fluttershy slowly rolled over in bed. What time was it? And why did she hear Rainbow Dash? Fluttershy smiled as she remembered the dream she was having. Cyan and rainbow filled her mind, and she instantly regretted waking up.

"Hold" Fluttershy said as loudly as possible. The shouting stopped as she slowly got out of her soft, warm bed and headed to the door. She opened it and was instantly tackled to the ground by the ever enthusiastic Rainbow Dash. A blush came to her face as she landed on top of her and they stared awkwardly at each other.

"Y-yes? What is it?" Fluttershy tried hard to hide her quickly reddening cheeks as she tried to get up.

"What do you mean? We are supposed to meet everyone down at Sugarcube corner for lunch! We were getting worried when you didn't show up, so I came here to check on you!"

Raindow smiled and got off her friend.

"Lunch? Uhm...what time is it?" Fluttershy asked, rising to her feet slowly and dusting herself off.

"Its I guess one o' clock? It isn't like you to sleep this later."

"Oh my! Its one o' clock? Really!? I'm so sorry for making you all worry about me! One of the sheep had a major hair issue, and it took me all night to get straightened out..."

"Oh Fluttershy, that's just like you! Staying up all night just to help some poor sheep! Well come on sleepyhead, let's get some lunch."

Fluttershy nodded and followed behind Rainbow Dash, who had already sped ahead.

When they arrived at Sugarcube corner, everyone was waiting, but it looked like they had already finished their meals.

"We're so sorry! We couldn't help ourselves! It was getting late, and the food just looked too good!" Twilight explained.

"Oh...its fine. Im sorry for making everyone wait..." Fluttershy apologized.

"Now deary, it is us who must apologize! We are all dreadfully sorry..." Everypony nodded their heads in agreement.

"Don't worry about it guys! Shy and I can just eat by ourselves; don't let us keep you from heading off and doing your chores or whatever." Rainbow Dash said.

"Well... I do have a lot of books to organize..." Said Twilight.

"And I have a dress that needs finalization..." Commented Rarity.

"And I promised Big Mac that I would help out on the farm today..." Said Applejack, chiming in.

"And I have a Pinkie Party to throw!" Pinkie Pie said happily.

So the four other ponies said their goodbyes and left, leaving just Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. They both placed their orders, Fluttershy getting a Daisy Sandwich, and Rainbow Dash ordering the X-tra Spicy Hot Dragon's Breath Soup. They both dug into their meals and finished in no time, leaving the two mares staring at each other in silence.

"We don't normally hand out alone much, do we Shy?"

"I guess not..."

"Well why don't we do something fun? Something that you have never done before in your life!?"

"Oh nonono... I am perfectly fine doing normal things..."

"Aw come on Shy! Live a little! Isn't there anything you have wanted to do that you couldn't?"

Fluttershy blushed at the thought of her and Dash hanging out together. Alone.

"Well....there is this one thing... I kinda wanted to fast with you..."

Raindow Dash looked at Fluttershy strangely.

"You sure Shy? You arnt normally up for that sort of thing."

"Yes!" Fluttershy said, a little bit to quickly.

"Ok then... I guess that would be kinda fun. As long as you promise not to chicken out of it."

Fluttershy nodded her head and tried to smile. Rainbow Dash just smiled back and led the way to a nearby cliff. As soon as they arrived, Fluttershy was already beginning to have second thoughts.

"Uh...Dash...on second thought.."

Just then, Rainbow Dash flew from behind her and sent Fluttershy sailing off the cliff. On the way down, Fluttershy screamed in terror. She was going to die, she thought.

Then, out of nowhere she felt a strong pair of hooves grab her and clasp around her chest. She looked up and saw Rainbow's grinning face. Rainbow then pulled her wings in and began to descend quickly, heading towards the bottom. Strangely, Fluttershy didn't feel as scared this time. Not with Rainbows hooves supporting her. She allowed herself a small smile as she closed her eyes. Rainbow was going faster and faster. The winding whistled all around them, and the cool air felt pleasant against their faces. At the last moment before the pair went crashing into the pavement, Rainbow spread her wings and soared upwards. A sharp crack filled the air and below them Fluttershy could see a wave of colors spread outwards. Wow. She had just been a part of a Sonic Rainboom.

Afterwards, the two had floated for a bit before Rainbow had found a cloud and landed on it. It was getting late now, and the sun was just beginning to sink behind the clouds. Fluttershy flopped down against the soft cloud and sighed happily. Next to her lay Rainbow Dash, panting heavily.

"You ok Rainbow?" Fluttershy asked, concerned.

"Y-yeah... Im fine... just need to catch my breath."

Rainbow rolled over on her side and faced Fluttershy.

"See? Wasn't that awesome?"

" was incredible.."

The two stared into each other's eyes when it hit them. Both of them felt a strong pull. A connection.

"Listen...Fluttershy.. I don't know what's going on. But I think... I think I..."

"Yes Dash? What is it?" Fluttershy's cheeks were bright red and her heart was aching, longing for some sort of connection.

"I kinda...well... what I'm trying to say is..."

I a rare moment of bravery, Fluttershy leaned in the pairs lips met. Rainbow's eyes sprung open in surprise. Did Fluttershy feel the same way? She closed her eyes and just let it be.

As the sun set behind them, the clouds erupted into colors. The sky was filled with gold, brilliant shades of purple, a brilliant yellow. It was like Celestia herself was saying "gorgeous". As the Pegasus 's lips parted, Dash spoke.

"I love you, Fluttershy."

"I know."

And the they cuddled, two silhouettes against the setting sun.

My little pony flutterdashWhere stories live. Discover now